Marriage || The Forever Bond
Happy new week, may this week be fruitful.
It is another weekly prompt from Hive Learners. This week’s prompt is about marriage.
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Marriage is a union between two people, A man and a woman who agrees to spend the rest of their lives together and promise to be there for one another in times of life and death. These are some of the words they say when tying the knot.
Both in the Muslim and Christian communities, I have seen people living happily after marriage, I have also seen couples divorce after a year of marriage.
Marriage is a beautiful thing, sharing your life with someone who understands and competes with you is one of the most amazing things in marriage. As a Human, we often go out to face difficulties somewhere along the day, but not being able to share your day with someone sometimes leads to a mental breakdown, but talking to your life partner and seeking advice gives you a clear view of the problem you are up against and how to approach.
One of the greatest things I learned from my dad is that in marriage communication is important, Long ago, my father sat me down and give me a piece of advice to never go in for a woman I don’t connect with, apparently, communication is a key ingredient. Most people break up because of a lack of communication which makes problem-solving difficult, I have also seen a lot of cases where both the man and the woman had to communicate through their in-laws.
One of the beautiful things about marriage is having to raise a kid, Kids are a gift from God, and having a kid with your partner is a blessing, they are everything a married couple always prays for even we the single ones always pray to have kids with someone special one day. They put a smile on the face of couples and also give them hope for a brighter future.
There are these two beautiful couples around my hood who always go out at night for a walk, they take a walk every evening holding each other’s hands. Seeing them around always gives me goosebumps. You can see right in them that they truly love each other and will be there for one another.
In Ghana, if couples are married for more than a year or 2 in the society without having kids, they are not respected in the society and their colleagues look down upon them.
To me, taking all the risks and going through all the troubles of getting married is all that I can wish for, it's not always about the troubles, it's about who you are sharing it with and how special that someone is to you. Though we are all humans and we are bound to make mistakes, understanding each other and correcting one another’s mistakes are all part of a successful marriage.
When two people get married, they get invited into the kingdom of God and anything they do is with the blessings of God.
Join and share with us your thought about marriage.
Nice article, thanks. I can agree that one of the biggest positives of marriage is the joy of raising children.
That’s right. Thank you for passing by