RADIANT LIFE // TEENS SUNDAY SCHOOL RESOURCE| SEASON 16 // Sunday (Easter) 31st March, 2024




Matt 16:26; 26:36-46; Luke 24:1-8; John 1:14; 18:31-38; Rom 6:1-8; Heb 2:14-15

KEY VERSE: John 14:6

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. (NIV)


In the developed countries, relativism is a prevalent philosophy in their culture; and they’re on a serious campaign to make it a global norm. The assumptions that there are no absolute truths, no right or wrong ways of doing things, and no clear answers to life’s questions dominate the modern secular landscape. Such thinking naturally leads to the notion that no religious teaching is more valid or true than another. Books, celebrities, and talk shows frequently promote the idea that all religion can lead to eternal life. Anyone who disagrees is often side-lined and called a bigot.

This is the world In which your students live and seek to defend their faith. It’s a world that stands in opposition to the gospel. And it’s a world that desperately needs to hear the truth in a framework of compassion.

Jesus left no room for compromise when He declared: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6, NIV). If sin were no big deal, Jesus would not have laid down His life for our forgiveness. If there had been another way, God would not have sent His only Son to die a criminal’s death. Sin brings death and eternal separation from God. Jesus offers the only way of escape. The Lord of all creation died in our place and rose again, conquering death on our behalf. What more can He do? The message of Easter — is not popular in today’s world. But it is the most important message anyone will ever hear. As you prepare for this study, pray that God will empower you to present it graciously, boldly, truthfully, and unapologetically.

>>The Basic Message: Explain to students...

Jesus died and rose again to give us eternal life. .

Salvation is available only through a relationship with Christ.

Accept God’s free gift, and live out His truth as you follow Jesus.

>>Guide: Read or ask a volunteer to read John 14:6.

Ask students to explain how this statement captured in this passage differs from many religious claims today. (Hint: Some people say Christianity is just one of the numerous paths to God, enlightenment, and eternal life. But the gospel clearly contradicts this notion. The Son of God provided the way - the only way - for us to be reconciled with our Creator. Every other “path” leads only to deception and destructions.]

>>Study Overview: Explain that today’s study considers...

• Why Jesus alone can bridge the gap between humanity and God.
• How God’s truth is fulfilled in Christ.
• How to follow Jesus and receive the everlasting life He offers.

>>Inform and Discuss

a. The Only Way

>>Guide: Read or ask a volunteer to read Matt 16:26.

Explain that the moment we step into eternity, money is worthless. Trophies are meaningless. Our best efforts — no matter how heroic, admirable, or brilliant - are powerless to get us to heaven. It would be quite tragic to gain the whole world and miss out on eternity in God’s presence.

1. Why can’t we earn a place in heaven?

[Hint: To do that we would have to live a sinless life — something none of us has done. We’re all born with a tendency to rebel against our Creator. And we’ve all violated God’s commands. We’ve lied, behaved selfishly, hurt others, and done things Jesus would never do. In other words, we’ve sinned.]

2. Read or ask volunteers to read Matt 26:36-46.

What was the cup Jesus mentioned in this prayer? [Hint: The cup was God’s judgment for rebellion. Jesus, who lived a sinless life, willingly took our punishment. He took our sins on Himself so the matter could be put to death once and for all.]

3. What can we learn from Jesus’ prayer?

(Hint: Three times Jesus asked the Father to remove the cup if there was any other way to fulfil His divine plan. If there were multiple paths to salvation, the Father would not have allowed His Son to experience such a horrific death. Clearly, there was — and is—no other way.]

4. Read or ask a volunteer to read Heb 2:14-15.

How did Jesus’ death make a way for our forgiveness? (Hint: Jesus came to Earth in a form that was fully God and fully man and did what we could never do: He lived a sinless life. Then He willingly offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice for our failings. Jesus took our punishment, cancelled our debt, and rose in triumph over sin.]

>>Guide: Explain that sin brings fear, death, and slavery.

But Jesus offers hope, life, and freedom. Through His death and resurrection, Jesus broke the power of sin and provided the means for our salvation.

b. The Only Truth

1. Read or ask a volunteer to read John 1:14.

What does John mean when he says the Word became flesh? (Hint: All the promises of the Scripture point to Jesus. He is the fulfilment of God’s truth. His life is a perfect expression of God’s character. His teachings are the very words of God.)

2. Read or ask volunteers to read John 18:31-38.

Pilate stared Truth in the face yet didn’t recognize Him. Why do many people today fail to recognize Jesus for who He really is?


Explain that few people would knowingly choose to be deceived instead of learning the truth. Yet, that’s exactly what they do when they reject Jesus in favour of going their own way. Following Jesus is the only way to know and understand life’s truths. Through a relationship with Christ we can discover the mind, heart, and will of God.

c. The Only Source of Life

1. Read or ask volunteers to read Luke 24:1-8.

Why is Jesus’ resurrection vital to our salvation? (Hint: If Jesus had merely lived and died, He could not have conquered sin’s curse on our behalf. Death would have won. But Jesus’ death wasn’t the end of the story. The resurrection is our assurance that Jesus is everything He promised: “The Way and the Truth and the Life.]


Explain that Jesus’ empty tomb fills our lives with hope and our future with promise. With the resurrection, Jesus triumphed over death and proclaimed a glorious new beginning for all who trust in Him.

2. Read or ask volunteers to read Rom. 6:1-8.

In what way do we participate in Jesus’ death and resurrection? [Hint: When we come to Christ, we spiritually die to our old, sinful nature. Our sins are forgiven, and we’re given a fresh start. The Bible calls this “born again” (See Intentional Shepherding Vol. 1, Unit 1: What Born Again Means). Just as Jesus resurrected, we’re raised to a new life of following Jesus — a truth that symbolized true baptism. We also receive the promise of future physical resurrection and eternal life with Christ.]

3. How should this impact the way we live?

[Hint: Those who are in Christ are dead to sin. We’re no longer ruled by the sinful nature. We’ve been set free to pursue and experience God’s best for our lives. Therefore, we shouldn’t continue to sin. Instead, we should live to love, serve, and please Jesus.]


Explain that we can never earn salvation. It’s a free gift, made available through God’s undeserved favour. But that doesn’t mean we should go on living the same as before. A genuine relationship with Jesus transforms us from the inside out. Jesus makes us new in every way, and He keeps changing us as we follow Him. We should never stop wanting to draw closer to Jesus and be more like Him.

>>Inspire Them:

Remind students THE BASIC MESSAGE of this study (pg 60), even as you explain WHAT the Big idea behind the study is; WHY it matters; and HOW we can live the lesson captured in this study.

>>Invitation Option:

Read Rom 6:23 and explain that salvation is a free gift that was made available to us through Jesus’ death and resurrection. But like all gifts, it must be accepted and received. God doesn’t force salvation on us; He offers it freely. And He asks us to share it with others freely so they can come to know Jesus, too. Provide opportunity for students who are yet to accept Christ as their Lord and Saviour.

>>Involve Them:

Have students divide into small groups and pray for one another, asking God to fill their hearts with His resurrection power and help them to live out the message of Easter every day of the year.


Summarize by leading the class in prayer, thanking God for His gift of salvation and asking Him to provide opportunities for the students to share the gospel with others.

>>Teacher Hint: Ask Yourself...

  1. Do the students understand the significance of Jesus’ death and resurrection?

  2. Do they know salvation is a free gift that is available only through faith in Jesus Christ?

  3. Have they had an opportunity to accept Jesus Christ as Saviour?

>>Daily Dew Drops
Monday: Compassionate Lord — Luke 23:34

Tuesday: Forsaken that We Be Accepted — Matt 27-45-46; 2 Cor 5:21

Wednesday: A life Wholly Yielded to God — Luke 23 44-46

Thursday: Awesome Saviour — Luke 23:39-43

Friday: The Caring Lord — John 19:25-29

Saturday: Paid In Full — John 19:30

Exclusive publication of the General Council of Assemblies of God Nigeria.

