Unit 2: Christianity & The Big Questions


Text: Exodus 20:1-20; Matt 7:12; 19:16-21; Rom. 12:17-21; Gal. 5:13-14; Eph. 5:1-2

Key Verse: James 2:8

If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, “Love your neighbour as yourself,” you are doing right. (NIV)


Humanity is fast abolishing any common standard for ethical standards by substituting “Absolute truth” with “relativism” and “tolerance.” It’s no wonder some of your students may not know what to believe when it comes to moral or ethical issues. Presently, there are lots of contentions in the Western world over the definition of who is a woman. Yet, in the Bible, God has set out guidelines for life and conduct. These guidelines have lasted for generations and are still applicable to our lives today. God desires that we follow these guidelines, not as mere obligation but because of our love for Him.
To a world which has seen hypocrisy, infidelity, dishonesty, and abuse in the Church, obligatory obedience to a set of guidelines only seems like “nonsense” they can do without. On the other hand, by making ethical decisions that are founded in love-love for God and others-Christians can demonstrate God’s unfailing love to a world in desperate need of it.
In this study, your students will realize that the Bible is the only standard by which we can measure our ethical decisions and base our actions. They will realize that God has established these rules to help us live in peace, not to, simply “spoil our fun. “instead, God has given us these guidelines to help us live in peace with each other.

The Basic Message: Explain to students...
God’s Word must be our standard for determining right and wrong.
Those who don’t know God often define right and wrong in ways that conflict with the standards we see in God’s Word.
Define right and wrong based on God’s Word, not human standards, and let God’s commands guide your attitudes and actions.

Activity Option: MORAL DILEMMA
Write the following statement on the board:
• Everyone should be able to live the way they want as long as they aren’t hurting anyone.
• Lying, in all cases, is wrong.
• Just because it is wrong for one person, doesn’t mean it is wrong for someone else.
• In extreme cases, euthanasia is an act of mercy.
Discuss students’ reactions to these statements. Avoid deep discussion on the issues themselves. Instead, focus on the standards by which the students responded to the statements.

Guide: Explain that different cultures have bought into the belief that right and wrong are relative. In the opinion of those that uphold such cultures, there is no more absolute truth. Therefore, there is no standard by which every person’s actions can be judged. As for Christians, the Bible should be the standard by which all actions and attitudes are measured.

Study Overview: Explain that today’s study considers...
• How God’s standards of right and wrong are the ultimate standards.
• Why our motives should be considered, not simply the issue of right and wrong.
• How our actions must be motivated by our love for God.

>>Inform and Discuss

a). Accept God’s Standards of Right and Wrong

Guide: Read or ask volunteers to read Exodus 20:1-20.
Explain that rules and guidelines bring structure and order. Even those who campaign for personal freedom in ethics agree to the need for some standards in the society. Without the structure provided by some form of behavioural standard, the world would end up in chaos. Then point out that the Ten Commandments were given by God to the Israelites as they were becoming established as a nation. These laws became the basis for conduct for the entire nation, and they still influence our laws today.
1.Why do some people reject the Bible as a standard of conduct? [Hint: Some reject the idea of God in general. Others don’t understand the content. Some simply don’t want to be told what to do.]

  1. Read or ask volunteers to read Matt 19:16-21. What was Jesus answer to the young ruler’s question? [Hint: Obey the commands. Referring to the commands of the Old Testament.]

Guide: Explain that Jesus’ sacrifice atoned for our sins, making the need for the Old Testament animal sacrifices obsolete. However, nothing in His life or teaching claimed to abolish both the standards for ethics and the behaviour in the Old Testament. The same directives for ethics that God gave in the Old Testament still apply today.

b). Check Your Motives

Guide: Read or ask a volunteer to read Matt 7:12.Explain that this verse, commonly known as the Golden Rule, creates a problem for some people. We all want to be treated well by others, but we may not always want to do what's right.

  1. What are some situations in which it might be difficult to do the right thing?[Hint: Lying or cheating when you know you won't get caught, treating with kindness someone who has wronged you, deciding not to take revenge when you have the chance.

Guide: Read or ask a volunteer to read Rom 12:17-21. Explain that when we learn to treat others the way we want to be treated, and learn to treat even our enemies with kindness rather than revenge, then we can begin to live in peace.

  1. What do you think might happen in our society if everyone determined to live by the Golden Rule? [Hint: There would be no more crime; everyone would get along; hunger and homelessness would be abolished.

c). Love Must Motivate Our Action

Guide: Read or ask a volunteer to read Eph 5:1-2.Explain that motivation for our ethical choices should be love-love for God and love for others. As Christians, our choice to follow God's command should come from a desire to imitate Him and His righteousness. We pursue righteousness because God is righteous.

  1. What example did Paul give of God's love for us in verse 2? [Hint: Christ gave Himself for us. His sacrifice for us was the ultimate act of love. As Christians, we should reflect the love of God to the world around us.]

  2. Discuss practical ways students can demonstrate God's love to the people they come in contact with daily. Encourage them to give specific, concrete examples.

  3. Read or ask a volunteer to read Gal 5:13-14. What is the command that Paul used to sum up the entire Law? [Hint: Love your neighbour as yourself.]

Guide: Explain that Paul is referring to more than just Christians here. He is giving us a challenge to live a life of love to everyone. As Christians, we represent the love of God in every relationship and circumstance.

Involve Them: WHAT IF...?
List the Ten Commandments on the board. Then read them one after other. As you read each commandment, have students describe briefly what happens when that law is broken. Then discuss the following question with students:
• Do you believe the Ten Commandments are less relevant, equally relevant, or more relevant today than in the Old Testament? [Allow responses]
Guide: Explain that the guidelines established by God thousands of years ago are still very relevant to our society today. God has established guidelines to allow us to live in peace and demonstrate His love toward one another.

Inspire Them: Remind students THE BASIC MESSAGE of this study(pg 39), even as you explain WHAT the Big Idea behind the study is; WHY it matters; and HOW we can live the lesson captured in this study.

Give each student a note card and a pen or pencil. Instruct each student to write on the note card ethical issues on which they are undecided, or don’t understand. Explain that they need not write their names on the cards. When all the students have finished, collect the note cards. You may choose to read them out aloud, or simply take them home and read them in private. You may use the issues from the cards to develop deeper studies on these topics, addressing them in the future.

Teacher Hint: Ask Yourself...

  1. Do students understand the need to establish ethical standard in line with the Bible?

2.Can they recognize appropriate motivations for ethical choices?

  1. Can they explain the importance of showing love in ethical decisions?

>>Daily Dew Drops:
Mon: Follow the Light - John 3:19-21
Tue: Don't Be Deceived - Prov 14:12
Wed: Be God Focused - Col 3:17
Thu: No Double Standard - Rev 3:14-16
Fri: Love: The Summary - Rom 13:8-10
Sat: Search It Out - Acts 17:10-11

General Council of Assemblies of God Nigeria, Sunday School Product. Shared on permission.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha



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