

The importance of Obedience cannot be overemphasized in the Christian life. Christianity started with individual Obedience to the Word of God.

The Faith we have that saved our lives started with that Obedience. Acceptance of a saviour you have not ever seen is the Obedience.

Under the New covenant, Obedience is God's gift to enable His people to enjoy His favor, rather than a necessary condition to be achieved before His favor may be enjoyed (Jer. 31:33; 32:40).

God Almighty made a covenant with His people based on their Obedience to Him. In the other hand, if His people didn't obey, they will not have HIS mercy, protection and blessings.

1 Peter 1:22 Since by your obedience to the Truth through the [Holy ] Spirit you have purified your hearts for the sincere affection of the brethren, [see that you] love one another fervently from a pure heart (Amp. Version).

The Christian life begins with Obedience (John 6:29; Acts 26:19; 1 Peter 1:22).

Obedience, having as its object the form of teaching presented in the gospel (Rom. 6:17), Obedience is summarized in these words: "repent and believe the gospel" (Mk. 1:15; Acts 2:38).

Discipleship begins with the act of Obedience. For the Bible says in Hebrews 11:6 "... without faith, it is impossible to please God", this faith cannot work without Obedience that says "... believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, thou shall be saved". When the the Obedience comes first, Faith follows.

Matthew 9:9 ... He saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector's office; and He said to him, Be My disciple [side with My party and follow Me]. And he rose and followed Him (Read also Mk. 2:14) Amp. version

Here is Jesus Christ, during the His early ministries. He went around calling disciples. He met with James and John his brother with their father mending their fish net, He said unto the two young men, "follow me", immediately, they left their father and their family business, then followed Jesus Christ in Obedience.

He met All the disciples, the same way, all followed Him, without any question. At least, I should assume Thomas, the great doubter to ask a doubtful question. When He came to the sea shore, look at Matthew the tax collector, (this tax collector was a custom officer at work). He was a government employed officer. Jesus commanded him to quit his job which gives him daily earnings, just to follow Him. The Bible says, immediately the custom officer left his work. He followed Jesus Christ without question too.

1 Peter 1:2 Who were chosen and foreknown by God the Father and consecrated (sanctified, made holy) by the Spirit to be obedient to Jesus Christ (the Messiah) and to be sprinkled with [His] blood: May grace (spiritual blessing) and peace be given you in increasing abundance [that spiritual peace to be realized in and through Christ, freedom from fears, agitating passions, and moral conflicts].

This portion of the Bible emphasizes that we are chosen, redeemed and sanctifie d through our Obedience to Jesus Christ in view (1Peter 1:2).
God Almighty knows who will worship Him. He called them, and ordained them. He transformed them to fit in to His glory. That's Why, it is not a struggle to live for God. His grace overwhelmed us.

1 Peter 1:14 [Live] as children of obedience [to God]; do not conform yourselves to the evil desires [that governed you] in your former ignorance [when you did not know the requirements of the Gospel] Amp. version.

This portion of the Bible emphasizes that Obedience is a result of our new relationship to God by new birth which we are called upon (1Peter 1:14).

Therefore, as Children of God Almighty, let us live in Obedience to God Almighty, as to maintain our relationship with Him.

Obedience is God's work on us as a consequence of the new birth, for God works in us to will and to act according to His good purpose (Phil. 2:12,14).

Philippians 2:12 Therefore, my dear ones, as you have always obeyed [my suggestions], so now, not only [with the enthusiasm you would show] in my presence but much more because I am absent, work out (cultivate, carry out to the goal, and fully complete) your own salvation with reverence and awe and trembling (self-distrust, with serious caution, tenderness of conscience, watchfulness against temptation, timidly shrinking from whatever might offend God and discredit the name of Christ).

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