Job 37:5-6

God thunders marvelously with His voice; He does great things which we cannot comprehend.
For He says to the snow, Fall on the earth; likewise He speaks to the showers and to the downpour of His mighty rains.


Let's explore its meaning:

This passage is part of a larger discourse in which Job's friends are trying to make sense of the suffering and challenges he is facing. In these verses, Elihu, one of Job's younger friends, speaks about the majesty and power of God, emphasizing His control over nature.

God's Thunderous Voice:

The verse begins by acknowledging the marvelous thunderous voice of God. It highlights the awe-inspiring power and authority that God demonstrates through His voice. Thunder is often associated with God's majesty and might, symbolizing His presence and sovereignty.

Great Things We Cannot Comprehend:

The passage asserts that God does great things that surpass human understanding. It reminds us that there are aspects of God's workings and plans that are beyond our comprehension. It humbles us before the vastness and mystery of God's ways.

God's Command over Snow and Rain:

The verse goes on to illustrate God's authority over nature by citing His commands to the snow, small rain, and great rain. It emphasizes that God has the power to order these natural phenomena according to His will. The mention of snow and rain highlights God's control over the elements and His ability to bring about weather patterns for various purposes.

Moreover, this passage serves as a reminder of God's sovereignty and control over creation. It invites us to trust in His wisdom and authority, even when we don't fully understand the circumstances we face. Just as God commands the snow and rain, He is also orchestrating events in our lives according to His perfect plan.


The book of Job is a poetic exploration of the problem of human suffering and the nature of God's justice. In this particular section, Elihu, one of Job's friends, delivers a series of speeches in response to Job's questioning of God's ways. Elihu emphasizes God's greatness and wisdom, seeking to restore Job's understanding of God's sovereignty.

God's Voice and Thunder:

The imagery of God thundering with His voice conveys His power and authority. Thunder is often associated with divine communication and serves as a reminder of God's transcendence and otherness. It symbolizes the majesty and awe-inspiring nature of God's presence.

Incomprehensible Greatness:

The passage acknowledges that God does great things that are beyond human comprehension. It highlights the limitations of human understanding when it comes to the vastness and complexity of God's works. This reminder encourages humility, reminding us that God's ways are higher than our ways (Isaiah 55:9).

God's Command over Snow and Rain:

The verse specifically mentions God's commands to the snow and rain. This imagery highlights God's control over the natural elements. It emphasizes that God has the power to bring forth and direct weather patterns according to His purpose. This control over nature demonstrates God's sovereignty and ability to bring about His plans.

Trusting in God's Sovereignty:

The passage invites us to trust in God's wisdom and sovereignty, even when we don't fully understand His ways. Just as God commands the snow and rain, He is also in control of the events in our lives. It encourages us to have faith in His providence and to submit to His plans, knowing that He is ultimately in charge.

Reverence for God's Creation:

The passage also fosters a sense of wonder and reverence for the natural world. It reminds us of the beauty and intricacy of God's creation, as well as His active involvement in sustaining and governing it. It encourages us to appreciate and marvel at the wonders of the world around us, recognizing God's handiwork.

Isn't that a lovely sentence? God's voice thunders in amazing ways, and he does great things that are hard for us to understand."Let's praise God in prayer instead of spending a lot of time talking or thinking about how great he is.


God, Holy, Righteous, and Eternal! You are the only one who is totally and completely holy. I can only guess at the fringes of your ways, yet I adore you. You are so much ahead of me on my best days that I don't understand why you would go to such lengths to redeem someone like me. But, Dear God, I thank and worship you from the depths of my being. In Jesus' precious name I pray. Amen.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


God bless you and keep the work of God going. Thanks for this impact


Thanks so much for your encouragement.
