I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.(Luke 15:7)


Surely! The parable of the lost sheep is the first well-known parable found in Luke chapter 15, along with the parable of the lost coin and the prodigal son. This parable shares similar themes with the parables of the lost coin and prodigal son, but with a different illustrations.

In the parable of the lost sheep, Jesus tells the story of a shepherd who has a flock of 100 sheep. One of the sheep goes astray and becomes lost. The shepherd, concerned for the well-being of the lost sheep, leaves the 99 in the open field and goes in search of the one that is lost. When the shepherd finds the lost sheep, he joyfully carries it back to the fold and calls his friends and neighbors to celebrate with him.

The parable holds several significant meanings:

The Value of Every Individual:

The lost sheep represents a person who has wandered away from the flock, symbolizing someone who is lost in their sins or separated from God. The parable emphasizes the immense value that God places on each individual. The shepherd's decision to leave the 99 sheep and go in search of the one lost sheep demonstrates the significance God places on the salvation and well-being of every person.

God's Relentless Pursuit:

The parable highlights God's relentless pursuit of those who are lost. The shepherd actively seeks out the lost sheep, leaving behind the rest of the flock to find and rescue it. This portrays God's unwavering love, grace, and mercy, as He actively seeks out those who have strayed, desiring their return to Him. It underscores the proactive nature of God's pursuit, demonstrating His desire for reconciliation and restoration.

Rejoicing in the Recovery:

The parable emphasizes the joy that comes when the lost sheep is found. The shepherd's joy upon finding the lost sheep is immense, and he celebrates with his friends and neighbors. This celebration signifies the joy that is experienced in heaven when a sinner repents and returns to God. It highlights the joy and delight that God experiences when a lost soul is found and restored to the fold, highlighting the value and importance of each individual in God's eyes.

The Responsiveness of the Community:

The shepherd's invitation to his friends and neighbors to join in the celebration reveals the communal aspect of rejoicing over the recovery of the lost sheep. It emphasizes the importance of community support and encouragement in the process of restoration. The celebration becomes an opportunity for others to witness and participate in the joy of redemption, fostering a sense of unity and shared responsibility in caring for those who are lost.

In summary, the parable of the lost sheep conveys powerful messages about God's unwavering love, His relentless pursuit of the lost, the value of each individual, and the joy that comes when a lost soul is found and restored. It serves as a reminder of God's desire for reconciliation and restoration, and the communal responsibility to participate in the rejoicing and care for those who are lost.

What is the significance of the shepherd leaving the 99 sheep to find the lost one?

The significance of the shepherd leaving the 99 sheep to find the lost one in the parable of the lost sheep is multi-faceted and carries several important meanings:

The Individual's Value:

By leaving the 99 sheep in the open field to search for the one lost sheep, the shepherd demonstrates the immense value and worth that God places on each individual. The shepherd's actions highlight the importance of every single person in God's eyes. It conveys the message that no one is insignificant or disposable to God. He is willing to go to great lengths to seek out and rescue even a single lost soul.

God's Personal Care and Concern:

The shepherd's decision to leave the 99 sheep shows God's personal care and concern for the lost. It illustrates His deep love and compassion for those who have gone astray. God is not passive or indifferent to the plight of the lost; instead, He actively seeks them out. The imagery of the shepherd leaving the flock depicts God's proactive involvement in pursuing and rescuing those who are lost, demonstrating His personal investment in their well-being.

The Risk and Sacrifice:

Leaving the 99 sheep behind carries an element of risk and sacrifice for the shepherd. It exposes the remaining flock to potential dangers and vulnerabilities. The shepherd willingly takes this risk because his primary focus is on finding and bringing back the one lost sheep. This highlights the sacrificial nature of God's love and His willingness to take risks to save those who are lost. It emphasizes that God values individuals to the extent that He is willing to sacrifice and take risks for their redemption.

The Joy of Recovery:

The shepherd's joy upon finding the lost sheep is significant. It reflects the joy and celebration that is experienced when a lost soul is found and restored. The parable emphasizes that the recovery of the lost sheep brings immense joy to the shepherd. This joy symbolizes the joy that God experiences when a sinner repents and returns to Him. It conveys the message that the recovery of the lost is a cause for great rejoicing in heaven.

In summary, the shepherd leaving the 99 sheep to find the lost one in the parable of the lost sheep signifies the value God places on each individual, His personal care and concern for the lost, the risk and sacrifice involved in seeking the lost, and the joy that comes when a lost soul is found and restored. It showcases God's unwavering love, His relentless pursuit of the lost, and His desire for their redemption and reconciliation.

How can we apply the lessons from the parable of the lost sheep in our own lives?

The parable of the lost sheep offers several lessons that we can apply to our own lives:

Value Every Person:

The parable reminds us of the value and worth of every individual. It encourages us to see others through the lens of God's love and to recognize their inherent worth. We should strive to treat others with respect, compassion, and dignity, regardless of their background, circumstances, or past mistakes.

Pursue the Lost:

The parable calls us to emulate the shepherd's example and actively reach out to those who are lost or struggling. It urges us to be proactive in our care and concern for others, seeking to help them find their way back to God, to a community, or to a place of healing and restoration. We can extend a listening ear, offer support, and show God's love through our actions.

Sacrificial Love:

The shepherd's willingness to leave the 99 sheep and search for the lost one demonstrates sacrificial love. We can apply this by being willing to inconvenience ourselves, make sacrifices, and take risks for the sake of others. It may involve investing our time, resources, or effort to help someone who is lost or in need. We are called to extend ourselves beyond our comfort zones to demonstrate God's love in practical ways.

Rejoice in Restoration:

The parable emphasizes the joy that comes when the lost sheep is found. We can apply this by celebrating and rejoicing when someone finds their way back to God, experiences healing, or makes positive changes in their life. We can support and encourage those who are on a journey of restoration, and share in their joy as they reconnect with God and their community.

Participate in Community:

The shepherd's invitation to the friends and neighbors to celebrate the recovery of the lost sheep highlights the importance of community involvement. We can apply this by actively participating in the lives of others, fostering a sense of community and connection. By supporting and encouraging one another, we can create an environment where individuals feel valued, loved, and supported.

Summarily, we can apply the lessons from the parable of the lost sheep by valuing every person, actively pursuing the lost, demonstrating sacrificial love, rejoicing in restoration, and participating in community. By embodying these principles in our own lives, we can reflect the heart of God and make a positive impact in the lives of others.

How can we actively pursue the lost in our communities?

Actively pursuing the lost in our communities involves being intentional and proactive in reaching out to those who may be spiritually lost, isolated, or in need of support. Here are some practical ways to pursue the lost:

Build Relationships:

Take the time to build genuine relationships with people in your community. Engage in conversations, listen attentively, and show genuine care and interest in their lives. Building trust and rapport can create opportunities for deeper discussions about faith, personal struggles, and spiritual matters.

Practice Compassion:

Look for ways to show compassion and meet the needs of those around you. This could involve volunteering at local shelters, food banks, or community organizations that support vulnerable populations. By serving others and showing kindness, we convey God's love in tangible ways.

Share Your Faith:

Be open and willing to share your own faith journey and the impact it has had on your life. This can be done through conversations, personal testimonies, or inviting others to church or faith-based events. Remember to approach these discussions with respect, sensitivity, and a willingness to listen to others' perspectives.

Engage in Outreach Activities:

Participate in community outreach activities organized by your church or other religious organizations. These activities may include hosting events, organizing workshops, or providing resources that address the needs of the community. By actively engaging in outreach efforts, you create opportunities to connect with and reach out to those who may be searching for spiritual guidance or a sense of belonging.

Pray for Guidance and Opportunities:

Seek God's guidance through prayer. Ask for wisdom, discernment, and opportunities to reach out to those who are lost. Pray specifically for individuals you encounter who may be struggling or searching for meaning in their lives.

Be a Good Listener:

Actively listen to others without judgment or preconceived notions. Create a safe space where individuals can share their thoughts, concerns, and questions. By listening attentively, you show that you care and are willing to walk alongside them on their journey.

Invite and Include:

Extend invitations to church services, small group gatherings, or other faith-related activities. Make an effort to include newcomers and make them feel welcomed and valued. Encourage them to ask questions, seek understanding, and explore their own spiritual journey.

Remember that pursuing the lost is an ongoing process that requires patience, empathy, and a willingness to meet people where they are. It is important to respect personal boundaries and allow individuals to explore their faith at their own pace. Ultimately, our role is to be a loving and supportive presence, pointing others towards the hope and redemption found in a relationship with God.

Please don't miss to pick the "The Lost Coin" in the afternoon today. It will be added to your coins.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha
