Mark 6:1-6; Luke 7:1-10


When Jesus heard this, he was amazed at him, and turning to the crowd following him, he said, "I tell you the truth, I have not found such great faith even in Israel" (Luke 7:9 NIV).

Teens often look for role models among musicians, athletes, and movies and television celebrities. Unfortunately, such people aren't always worthy of admiration and emulation. Shockingly, inappropriate and irresponsible behaviour doesn't keep today's celebrities from receiving applause. In many cases, such character flaws seem to add to their appeal and elevate their status among young admirers.

Because they live in a world of upside-down values, even Christian teens need to be reminded that God doesn't view people or circumstances the way society sees them. He isn't the least impressed by a person's popularity, or the ability to perform and entertain. What captures His attention is a heart that reaches out to Him in genuine faith.

A part of our study today is drawn from the action of a nameless centurion. Had his action taken place today, it's not likely he would have made headline news. But the Bible tells us that Jesus noticed him. And because his story was carefully recorded in Scripture, this otherwise "unknown soldier" still serves as a role model for believers who are striving toward greater faith in God. As you present this study, encourage your teens to emulate the faith of the centurion rather than following worldly patterns of rebellion and unbelief. Remind them that pleasing God is worth far more than winning the empty applause of the world.

THE BASIC MESSAGE: Explain to students...
God notices and cares about our level of faith in Him.
To please God and experience His power in our lives, we must grow in faith.
Admit your struggles and weaknesses, acknowledge God's ability to help, and allow Him to increase your faith.

Activity Option:
Read and discuss the following amazing facts. Then discuss the questions that follow.
✍️According to WebMD, "Even one or two colas (e.g. Pepsi, Coca-cola, etc ) could increase your risk of type 2 diabetes by more than 20%.
✍️Wearing headphone for just an hour could increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times.
✍️Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different.
➡️ Which of these things do you find most amazing? Why? | What are some other things that amaze you? | Do you think anything ever amazes God?

Explain that God isn't amazed by the kind of things that fill us with awe, amazement, or dread. Nothing surprises Him. He created the universe in all its vastness. He isn't caught off guard by tragedies, crimes, or disasters. But something does capture His attention: our faith.

Study Overview:
Explain that today's study considers...
• The fact that God notices and rewards faith.
• How a lack of faith can keep us from experiencing God's best.
• How we can develop greater faith.



  1. Read or have a volunteer read Luke 7:1-5. What did the Jews say in their attempt to convince Jesus to help the centurion's servant? Do you think Jesus was impressed by the testimony they gave about the centurion? Why or why not? [Hint: They told Jesus that the centurion was worthy of His attention because he had been kind to the Jews, even helping them build a synagogue.]
    Note: Jesus is pleased with sincere kindness and generosity, yet not impressed by our own good works. He is more concerned about our response to Him and His Word.
  2. Is any of us worthy of God's love and concern? Explain. [Hint: No one is more or less worthy than anyone else. No one deserves Jesus attention, but He is gracious to respond to those who trust Him. Even when people neglect Jesus, He is still looking out for them.]

Explain that none of us is worthy of God's mercies; we aren't even worthy to come before Him by our own merit (Luke 3:16; 17:10; Rom 3:23). But Jesus came to us and willingly died for our sins. Because of His sacrifice, we can be forgiven and made worthy (by His righteousness) to enter His presence.

  1. Read or have a volunteer read Luke 7:6-8. How did the centurion's view of himself differ from others' opinions?

Hint: While others admired his accomplishments, the centurion recognized that he wasn't worthy of Jesus. But he didn't allow his unworthiness to keep him from reaching out and asking for Jesus' mercy and help.

Explain how knowing that God blesses us in ways we dont deserve can give us faith to turn to Him in spite of our weaknesses and mistakes. Keep in mind that God can do great things in our lives when we: acknowledge who He is (worship); recognize where we are (humility); and believe Him for who He is and what He can do (faith).

  1. How did the centurion demonstrate great faith in Jesus? [Hint: During His time on earth, Jesus usually healed people by touching or speaking to them. But the centurion trusted that Jesus could heal even from a distance. He understood that Jesus' authority meant that He could simply give the command and the servant would be made whole.]

Read or have a volunteer read Luke 7:9-10. Explain that the centurion's faith- unexpected from a non-Jew and outstanding by any standards - amazed Jesus. That doesn't mean Jesus was surprised. Rather, his faith stood out to Him beyond what He had seen in others who should have had such faith. God notices our faith, too. When we demonstrate great faith, it gets His attention and moves Him to respond.

Remind them that the centurion didn't gain Christ's commendation because of the testimony the Jews gave about his accomplishments, but because of his faith in Christ. Opinions of others won't bring lasting rewards. Rather, pleasing God is what really matters.


Read or have volunteers read Mark 6:1-6. Explain that great faith isn't the only thing that amazed Jesus. He was also struck by how faithless some people could be. Although those in Jesus' hometown saw and heard the Son of God, many wouldn't believe in Him. Their lack of faith amazed Jesus and kept Him from performing many miracles among them.

  1. In what ways might people become too familiar with the things of God? What's responsible for such attitude? What are some of the dangers?

Explain that those who spend most of their lives in church
sometimes begin to take God and what He does for granted. There is danger in becoming too familiar with the things of God and failing to recognize His unique and awesome nature. We don't want God to restrain His work in our lives and our church because of our lack of faith.

  1. How can you combat the tendency to take things (especially of God) for granted? [Guide: Encourage students to maintain a sense of awe and excitement by worshipping God, humbling themselves in His presence, and continuing to trust Him to do great things in and through their lives.]
  2. How can pride keep you from receiving all that God has for you? [Hint: Pride can lead to self-reliance and lack of dependence on God. Essentially, this is faithlessness.]

Guide: Explain that people in Jesus' hometown were too proud to admit that Jesus might have something they needed. If we're full of ourselves, there's no room for anyone or anything else. As a result, prideful people often miss Out on seeing God work or experiencing His plan for their lives.

involve Them:
Discuss with students the following questions: In what way did the centurion stand out to Jesus? [Hint: His faith made him different from other people Jesus had encountered.) In what way would you like to sand out in God's sight?

• What can you do to develop uncommon faith?

Guide: Explain that God places great value on faith. When we put our trust in Him, He takes notice. Knowing this should encourage us to take new steps of faith. We can nurture faith through careful study of the Bible communication with God through prayer, and obedience to His Commands. As we develop our faith, God will begin to display His amazing power in our lives.

Inspire Them:
Remind students THE BASIC MESSAGE of this study, even as you explain WHAT'S the Big ldea behind the study is: WHY it matters; and HOW we can live the lesson captured in this study.

Invitation Option:
There may be students in your class who don't have growing relationship with God. Explain that before you can please God with your faith, you must take the first step by trusting Jesus as the Forgiver of your sins and Leader of your life. Once you do this, you can begin living the life of faith that God wants each of us to experience. Pray with students who respond to the invitation.

*Ministry Activity:
Give each student paper and pen or pencil. Ask them to write specific circumstances in their lives for which they need to exercise more faith. Beside each circumstance, have them write down their doubts and concerns. Encourage them to be honest with God and with themselves. Finally, have students spend a few minutes in prayer, asking God for His help in these situations and releasing their doubts and concerns to Him.

Conclude the session by challenging students to view any difficulty they encounter as opportunities to exercise faith in God. Encourage them to trust Him in every situation.

Teacher Hint: Ask Yourself:

  1. Do students understand that faith gets God's attention?
  2. Can they explain how faithlessness can keep people from experiencing God's power?
  3. Do they express an interest in developing greater faith in their lives?

This lesson is the exclusive production and publication of the Sunday School Department, General Council Assemblies of God Nigeria.
It is published in a hard copy, June 2024 the lessons will cover till the last Sunday of December 2024. There is no individual author in any platform or social media sites who can claim ownership except the Sunday School Department, General Council Assemblies of God Nigeria.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I love how you pointed out that God values our faith more than our accomplishments. It's important for us to concentrate on developing true faith instead of being distracted by the fame and popularity culture. Thanks for sharing this thoughtful Bible Study.

#freecompliments !DOOK


I appreciate your time in going through such a long post. I promise to share more important posts.
