

BIBLE TEXT: Mark 7:31-37


With God all things are
possible (Matthew 19:26, NIV).

To help the child understand that there is nothing God cannot do.

During and after the lesson, each child will show that he or she understands the lesson by:

  1. Joining others in singing a song of praise to Jesus.
  2. Explaining what it means to be deaf and dumb.
  3. Enacting the story of the lesson on the healing of the deaf and dumb man.

With God, all things are possible. Jesus was anointed and sent by God to deliver people from sin and sickness. He was given power to heal all kinds of diseases, both curable and incurable. In this lesson, Jesus is seen healing again.

Maybe, you know or may have seen someone who can’t hear or talk. Sure, because people with such handicaps are all over the place. They are in every village and every town. They are in our homes, schools, and churches, neighbourhoods, on the streets and in the subways. Treating and curing the deaf and dumb is not an easy thing for doctors, but not with Jesus. He can do the impossible. He loves and cares for people like that. And He wants us to do the same. Handicapped people need our love, help, and prayers.

Today, we shall see how Jesus cared for, and healed a man that was both deaf and dumb.

1. The Man Is Brought to Jesus: Mark 7:31-32

One day, when Jesus went to a certain village, a man was brought to : Him. This man was deaf and dumb. This means that the man could neither hear nor speak. Poor man! Not being able to hear people talking and telling stories. Imagine what life would be like for that man, also, not being able to talk with his family and friends. What a pity? This man’s handicap or problem really bothered his friends. They were sorry that he could not join them in their discussions. They loved him and wanted to help him.

These friends of the deaf and dumb man had heard about Jesus. They heard that He healed people, that He was able to make the lame to walk and the blind to see. And they were sure that He would be able to heal their friend if only He could see him. One day, they heard that this Jesus had come and was nearby. They immediately remembered their friend and his problem. They went to him and managed to get him to go to Jesus with them. They may have made signs to him since he was deaf.

The deaf and dumb man must have always wanted to be healed so he gladly followed his friends and they brought him to Jesus. When they came to where Jesus was, the men begged Jesus to heal their friend. What good and helpful friend these men were! Do you remember the story of the four friends who also took their friend to Jesus to be healed? Are you the kind of person that helps your friends?

2. An Interesting Healing: Mark 7:33-35
What do you think Jesus did when the handicapped man was brought to Him? Do you think He checked the man’s temperature, weighed the man, checked the man’s blood pressure, etc. as doctors and nurses do in the hospitals? No. However, before Jesus could do anything, He took the man a short distance away. This was because a large crowd had gathered around Jesus as usual. They were curious as to how Jesus would heal the man. He did not heal people the same way every time. So, the crowd of people watched to see what would happen in this case.

Having taken the man away from the crowd, Jesus put His fingers into the man’s ears. He then, spat on his finger and touched the man’s tongues. He looked up for a minute into heaven and sighed. This shows Jesus was praying. Jesus then looked at the deaf and said, “Be opened”. This method used here by Jesus is very interesting, isn’t it?

As soon as Jesus finished speaking, the man’s ears opened. He began to hear. Also his tongue became healed and he was able to talk. How happy the man and his friends must have been.

The Result of the Healing: Mark 7:36-37
After healing the deaf and dumb man, Jesus told him and his friends not to tell anyone. Do you think that is possible? If it were you, would you keep Quiet? The man was too happy to keep quiet. His friends were also too happy to be silent. The man may have gone to everyone he knew, telling them what Jesus had done for Him. Jesus was not angry with them anyway. Rather, it made Him happy.

But why did Jesus tell them not to tell anyone. Maybe because He did not want people to follow Him only because of the miracles He performed.

The result of the healing of the deaf and dumb was that all the people were excited and amazed. They talked about Jesus saying, “He has done all things well. He even makes the deaf hear and the dumb speak”

It happened during a city-wide crusade in Enugu, two Evangelists – Fox and Smith – came from America. Every night, for one week, they preached the Word of God to thousands of people. They also prayed for people to be healed. God moved mightily. Many were saved and many others were healed each night.

On Friday night, the meeting began as usual. Songs were sung. A lot of prayers were Said. People had come from far and near to hear the Word and to be healed. The crowd this night was unusually large.

After preaching the Word of God, the Evangelists called for the sick people to line up. The line was very long as many people had come to be healed. On the line was a girl who was both deaf and dumb from birth. Her parents had brought her. The Evangelists laid hands on her ears and mouth, and rebuked the spirit of deafness and dumbness. After praying for her, they said something and asked her to repeat. She did so over the microphone. The crowd went wild with excitement and joy when they heard the girl repeat what the Evangelists said. God had healed the girl. Yes, God can do all things.


  1. How did the deaf and dumb man and Jesus meet?

(A) He went to Jesus by Himself.
(B) Jesus went to the man.
(C) People brought the man to Jesus.
(D) The Pharisees brought the man to Jesus.

  1. How did Jesus heal the deaf and dumb man?

(A) He sent him to the hospital.
(B) He gave him some drugs that healed him.
(C) He put His fingers into the man’s ears, spat and touched the man’s tongue and said “Be opened”.
(D) He took the man to the river and washed his ears and mouth.

  1. Why was Jesus able to heal him? Because

(A) Deaf and dumb is easy to heal.
(B) Jesus learned to heal in school.
(C) He is God and God can do all things.
(D) None of the above.

  1. What did Jesus tell the man and his friends?

(A) Not to tell anyone.
(B) To tell everyone.
(C) To go and show himself to the priest.
(D) To bring his parents to Him.

Mon: God Still Heals Today – Deuteronomy 32:39
Tue: Ask for Your Healing 1 - Psalm 6:2
Wed: Ask for Your Healing 2 - Psalm 41:4
Thu: Condition to Be Healed - Jeremiah 3:22-23
Fri: God’s Word Our Balm - Jeremiah 8:20-22
Sat: Take Balm for Your Healing - Jeremiah 46:11

This lesson is the exclusive production and publication of the Sunday School Department, General Council Assemblies of God Nigeria.
It is published in a hard copy, June 2024 the lessons will cover till the last Sunday of December 2024. There is no individual author in any platform or social media sites who can claim ownership except the Sunday School Department, General Council Assemblies of God Nigeria.

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