Why I'm buying Gold Cards for Land....

I've been snaffling up Gold Rares and Epics for LAND for a while now ... my feeling is that they're the best value cards, even though they are more expensive than regulars in terms of Production Power (PP) per $$$.

Screenshot 2023-09-05 at 07.05.55.png

The PP per card and PP potential for a plot (with five slots) are as follows for the different card types, along with the approximate low-buy for each card type...

Screenshot (111).png

So according to this it's around the same price per PP for regular commons and rares, and slightly more expensive for epics, and almost twice as expensive for regular legendaries compared to commons.

And for gold cards the cost per PP is much higher - twice as expensive for common golds comapared to regular golds, and 3 times more expensive for gold legendaries compared to regular legendaries.

Comparing the extremes: regular commons are 6.5 times cheaper than gold legendaries per production power.

Based on this it seems to make sense to just buy up regular rares, given that they give you the best PP for your dollar.

HOWEVER, consider this:

If you were to buy 10Ks worth of PP in regular commons, you'd need 2 whole plots to stake these, since a regular common maxed gives you 1K of PP, and it's only one card per plot.

If you paid 6.5 times more for your gold legendary which also gives you 10K PP that would only take up 1 slot on 1 plot, or 0.2 of a plot, meaning it's got 10 times more PP power max potential once you factor in LAND.

In other words, if you settle for cheaper cards you are knobbling your max PP potential.

MAX PP POTENTIAL in relation to PP/$

This may sound a little mental but...

  • Regular legendaries are TWICE AS EXPENSIVE but give you a 1.5 BOOST (0.25 upgrade)
  • Gold rares are three times as expensive but give you a 4 times BOOST (0.33 upgrade)
  • Gold epics are four times as expensive but give you a 6 times BOOST (0.5 upgrade)
  • Gold legendaries are 6 times more expensive but give you a 10 times BOOST (roughly a 0.4 upgrade)

Where the 'upgrade' is how much more you get in PP potential relative to how much more in $/PP compared to regular commons.

Two things stand out:

  • Regular rares and epics are pretty much the same deal as commons, so these over commons.
  • Gold epics give you the highest relative boost, so these are the best buys!
  • For me - gold legendaries are the second best DEAL, but because they are simply SO EXPENSIVE I'd personally op for rares next over legendaries, because it would so long to fill my tract with Legs there's no point buying that many.

And now is possibly your best time to buy...

As people sell off and consolidate... what I think we're seeing with cheap prices on cards right now is people selling off their odds and sods and buying different cards to combine!

So make the most of it, window's almost over... I think once land goes live gold cards are probably going up relative to regulars!

The gold rares also rent pretty well, even the maxed ones are getting around 10%!


Thanks for the tip. I think I will try and snap up some gold rares.


If yer patient you can actually get some of the better ones for a similar price to what the cheap ones usually go for!


It is a great buyer's market right now. Everything is very tempting lol


I wrote some VBA yesterday to go with that template I sent to @tarazkp. Can share it later if you want to use it. That is.. if land ever arrives


Hey yeah that'd be good! It is a bit late, what a surprise!

Land 2.0 by 2034 fer sure!


Hopefully everything sees a spike when land is released. I'll have to look over the market to see if I can grab some deals or make some trades. I have fell way behind in the Splinterverse.


I am sooooo tempted to buy lol
