Ill, blurggh!
So I left work a little early last Friday as I wasn't feeling too great, around 15.00. Drove all the way to London, and then realised I was actually quite ill with a bit of the old lurgy.
I think it's what the Mrs had last week, at least it sounds similar, it just took a while to gestate, and there was me thinking I must have already had it when I was feeling absolutely fine last weekend and she was feeling as rank as I ended up feeling this weekend just gone and into, well, right now.
On reflection I think I probably was feeling a little ill as early as last Wednesday, I was tired, my run on Thursday was slower than usual, indicators of the early stages of illness that you just kind of shake off.
But on Friday/ Sat/ Sun/ Monday I was DEFINITELY FIGHTING OFF SOMETHING.
It's a nasty little bug, not completely decimating, you can function, I have been out and about, but it comes out at night. Honestly I must have woken up 8-10 times every night coughing or just bunged up - I've been a total snot monster these last few days.
Sunday and Monday night it was so bad I had to head downstairs to decongest twice, standing up helps with that I found, and the noise, and to top up on some medicine.
During the day it's not been so bad, I've just been feeling a little achy, a little cold, a lot delicate, bit of a headache, but all helped by modern day drugs.
Back to work is tough.....
It's difficult to concentrate is the main thing, I do get sick pay, so I've told them I am 'doing something' the last couple of days without really trying too hard, I figure that's the best approach, I'm down at about 50% capacity, but I think it's fair enough to try and do something, I can do something, after all.
Still bunged up
It's one week on now and this thing is hanging around, that's what the Mrs said, I can function OK doing mundane tasks, like checking the BTC price every 5 minutes or cooking, but everything feels like an effort.
I hope this thing disappears soon, I want to get out for a run and I certainly don't feel like doing that ATM!
Damn, illness sucks, even if it is quite mild!
Still, watching the BTC and Hive pumps has gone a long way to making me feel better, come on!
Posted Using InLeo Alpha
I feel your pain. I put my back out at about the same time you got ill and my sleep is not great either. I am still working as I sit all day anyway, but I want to be able to run again.
I don't care about BTC, but good to see HIVE up :)
Ah no hope yr back is better asap!
Get well soon! These guys suck and take out a lot of daily joy as every task feels immediately like a mountain.
Dont go running again too fast once you feel better. Virusses like to keep you accompanied if you go all in again too fast.
It aint the age...i had it recently as well. ;))
It's dragging now, I woke up feeling worse today, after feeling OK for the last couple of days, it's all in my sinuses, yuk!