Busy, busy, busy...!

Well I am two weeks into what I thought was going to be three weeks of full-time work, well actually more than full time, 5.5 days a week and it's been a bit mental.

I've coped but it hasn't exactly been pleasant, pulling a solid 9 hours a day and I had to a little bit of catching up this Saturday.

It really hit home Friday morning, I had that 'back again already' feeling in the shower at 6.30 in morning, like I used to get all the time back when I was teaching, but it was much worse then.

This is manageable because I know it's short term...

DALL·E 2024-12-17 21.05.34 - A calm and cheerful scene depicting a person gracefully managing multiple tasks with ease. The person is surrounded by floating papers, laptops, stick.webp

Balancing Act

It's been a bit mental the last two weeks as I've chopped and changed between the two different jobs, it's been OK because they require similar skill sets, and the systems are quite similar too, I could even make cross-referrals between the two they are so related, but I don't as I haven't sought clarity on how this would work.

What hasn't been so great is just the long, long hours, the thing about part-time work is that the jobs are so much easier if you work say 5% more than the allotted hours, and this is sometimes necessary as some things just take longer than you plan, best will in the world to keep to time.

Although now longer term...

The job I thought was ending at the constituency office is now going on until at least the end of March, they asked me to stay on.

I'm actually glad, I kind of wish I had applied now, and I think there may be a chance they'll open up another round of applications possibly in a couple of months, so maybe I will put in an application.

The new woman who got the job I didn't apply for is screamingly competent as she's done the job before so that's great, a real boost to the team and hopefully I'll get to stay on, we'll see, happy to carry on for another 3 months.

So that means three months full time after Christmas. I have a full week off at the end of December which will be welcome.

If I do stay on after March, job two ends in May, I think it's the beginning of May, whatever I am only doing 2 days in job 1 rather than 3 so I'll be on 4.5 days a week, which really IS doable, but after that I defo want 3 days max for a while.

Pros and cons....

Obviously the money is welcome, also I get to get fully trained as a CA adviser, and I get to liaise between the two organisations, which is super useful.

The downside is the time, but it's only short term, but I DO miss doing my main blog, and I hate this feeling of life being on the margins of work, at the beginning and end of days and weekends, it is being fitted around work, it should be the other way around.

But in the grand scheme of my life at least this is the last gasp of this before retirement!

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You should be glad if there is such a competent and swift employee. We only have a fews at the office.


It's rough. I work 12-14 hour days five days a week. I miss having free time.


That sounds like way too much work to me!


I'm looking for a new job. Applications going out now! LOL
