Self doubts is a killer of opportunities

when they remember the past experience, it makes the message to comes into their minds, pronouncing that the result would still be the same, yes, it might be the same and it might not, but done let it stops you from trying.

The greatest mistake to progress is self doubts, and most people, who exercise this traits, unknowingly place it on the shoulder of another people, because they lack the challenging spirit, it makes them so weak and they end up doubting what people around them say they are going to do.

I had someone who behaves like that, what I do when we are having a conversation of sorts is that, I make sure that I am able to bring the agenda to his understand first, so that he can understand with me and to avoid too much doubting on the process.

The reason we finds people who could not agree sometimes is because, they can not agree with themselves, the doubt is cause by fear, therefore it is the fear that does all things necessary, trying to stop them from seeing new shines of opportunities.

I make things within me so simple, I do not doubt, when someone talk about something, I mostly believed, because I know anything is possible, as far as we have made up our minds to chase it.

There is this WhatsApp group that I belongs to, it is made up of my friends from secondary school, last three weeks, someone volunteer he was going to host the meeting which we normally had once in a month, so it was time for the meeting and in the venue everyone where they waiting for the guy who said he was going to do everything that day that nobody should worried about a thing.

Ten minutes past and he wasn't there and people started talking, and voices came to me, because I was the first that thumbs up his post in the group when he said he was going to take care of things in the event, but it wasn't me alone who did that. On my part, I did it because I see no big deal there and I believed he was going to do it, since no one was forcing him to say it, but he feels he can take charge, so why wouldn't I gave him a thumbs up.

Fortunately, the guy wasn't bragging a bit, he had everything plan, although he came there a bit late, his reasons was, he met traffic on the road, but he did fulfilled his promises to the group.

It can be so bad when we can not open our mind's to see opportunities, I know things are not easy, but people still lives, strives and become successful out of it, not coming around does not means, it doesn't go around people.

It is a big blockage to doubt, we need to stay refreshing and opens our minds to tons of possiblities.

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