Phone photography contest 49: An early morning shot's of the sky
Good morning great people, it looks so beautiful here, I realized it has been quite long i got those cutest photos of the sky.
The deal is, when I was taking those photos, I did not think of the sun, but luck was on me, and as at that time, when i was capturing those sky, the sun came out, and i saw it on some part of the photos.
In the morning is that time of the day that we can look at the sky, and we would not feel like the shining are too much, so I do it today, and you know what? I saw it that the sky is very white.
I did not want any photos to be in the landscape mode but it turns out that I did not keep to it in all, maybe due to the excitement of seeing that the photos were giving me the best vibes, i was in a rush to nailed more of the photos, so, in that case, I captured some, and they came out in landscape mode.
But do you know what? I think I like it as well, because the vibes still is awesome, change is good at times, a life of doing something the same each and everyday will make us to feel a little boredom.
Of all the photos I have captured, I think the one I love is that where the sun was coming out, the beauty there was big, and I smiled right there, on seeing that I was able to get as intended.
I was able to note something as well, and that was about the leafs of plants. The deal is, they get so strong in the morning, and seems always heavy due to those water that are on them, but as it gets to the afternoon time, we see breeze coming, and so, which tries to make it to shake, and moves those waters.
There are some photos that I captured and when I looked at it, they will give me sweet melodies, and I will say that, today's shot's are part of those photos, I do not know how beautiful they are, because that, I believe it is someone else that can tell me, because I love each and every photos I used to take with my phone, yet, the vibes I got from these one's are one of a kind.
To be sincere, I want to get a vibes like this from all my future phone photography, talking about the phone photography, this is a contest that is hosted by @untilwelearn, and I am happy to take part in the 49 chapter of the contest, have a beautiful day friends.
Image's are mine.