No man have it all / Comtest

In my town, a man bought a new car and from that day on, he cut ties with his friends because his friends didn't own cars, his friends wondered how he could have forgotten them because he bought a car, but the man didn't care, he was the most important man in town and everywhere he went, people stood up and greeted him.

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He became a strong man in broad daylight, his friends didn't like his new attitudes, but what could they do, he was the man with money, so everybody danced to his tune, countless times, he used to drive his car as if he didn't care and splashed water on people on the roads of the city without caring if they were wearing white clothes or not.

One day he did the same with his friends, his friend was passing by on the road when he saw him, he stopped his bicycle and wanted to have a word with him, thinking that the rich man would come down as his friend and have a word with him, he didn't do it but sent all the muddy water that was on the road to his clothes.

His friend was ashame, when his wife asked him why he had mud on his clothes, he could not say anything, but later told his family what had happened on his way home.

Years went by and the man's car was getting old, other people in the village were also buying cars and not even his type, new model cars, such that water used to come out of the exhaust pipe, in my village we called that type of car, "tear rubber", so people were buying tear rubber cars and his was turning into a rag, it was then that he started to relate to his friends, he had remembered them again.

He will need a mechanic before he could drive his car, so he would automatically walk or ride a bicycle, just like the other people in town, if he had to go somewhere.

His friends welcome him as if it was nothing, but one day, a young man driving on the city road splashed him with water. He was going to an event being held in the city centre, he was going to be the head of the event, after the muddy water fell on his clothes, he went home and changed his attire.

People started asking why the head man of the event had not arrived, when he should have arrived before the others, but he was late because someone had soiled his clothes, so he went home to change them and, when he arrived at the venue, he did not go in his car because it was old and was starting to break down, so he had to apologise for being late and, when he mentioned that a young man driving carelessly had splashed water on his clothes when he was coming to the event, people laughed at him because that was his way of life.

This is my entry in the COMtest, an initiative in the Comedy Open Mic, in collaboration with Lolz's Fun. You can join this contest by using this link. Thanks.


Be got a dose of his own medicine
Too bad.


I am sure he is still taking others dose of his medicine 😂😂


Life playing ludo with him


He will remember not all that glitters are gold, man manufacture things, object do not manufacture man.


I remember you from another contest awhile back, nice to see you again. Thanks for entering COMtest.

Be brutally honest. Let's say you bought a ticket to a comedy show and was seated at your table. You're sipping on coffee now preparing to be enteratined when the comedian takes the stage. You give him all of your attention and he tells a story that resembles a driving test.

Would you want your money back?


No, I'll not want my money back, because anything said in a comedy house is a comedy, I'll laughed and entertained myself with the story.

I have been to comedy shows, like as a guest, then I have seen where most of the comedians make their comedy inform of a story, this happens when they realize that they can easily express their comedy in a story pattern to be more effective.

Apart from laughing and having a nice time, there is also a needs to sent a message through comedy that help life's.

Is being long I saw you too @dandys, I am doing fine, thank you for your kind words.
How are you doing?
