Do not underrate a side hustle

"I wish you know how much profit I have make for the past years selling secondhand clothes." He talked to me and was still trying to hang on sweaters that was on his hand. I was surprised, and I am sure it is not me alone, who will get surprise by hearing a thing like this.

The deal is, people do not think a business of that nature yield much profits, yet, that is business, it is until you do it, that is when you are going to know what it entails of.

He started by enlightened me about the first profit he make, that time, he said, he will never forget, because he was so much on funds, infact, more bigger than what he expects will come out.

He said he reinvest the profit, since he did not have any physiological used of the money as at that time, and getting to the time he closed sells for the next batch, he still was on a bigger profit, that is how he maintained the business, and never thought of going out of it.

Meanwhile, he did not think of the business as something he will do for a long time, it was just a business he wants to do momentarily, while still searching for company's job, but he got the liking coming in bigger style, and today, here he is, selling secondhand clothes as a side hustle business.

And he is so proud of his business. Before he starts it, he did not let his aunt knows, because if she was aware, definitely, his parents will have been aware, and that will have make them to asked him to stopped it, and it would have been final.

But he kept it unnoticed from her, used his room as his store, and deliver to the places of his buyers, therefore, when he was out of school, the business became what he used to take care of himself, as he chose to live alone and not with his family.

Now, he had open a shop, and all this is because he make a step, and did not wait for either parents or aunt to tell him to. "I realized in his words that, sometimes, we do not have to wait until our parents tell us that certain thing will be okay for us, but we as well, should check ourself, and make a great decision on time". And that will show to people how smart we are.

The deal is, parents want each of their child to be doing well, that is why, they guide, protect, and tell their child on a daily basis what is going to be good for them to do, but it is mostly of a beautiful thing also, when a child is able to source out on his/her own.

The process of him starting small was what guide him to grow in the business, unlike what some people believe, only when they have big money that is when they can venture into a business.

Today, that guy is working in a company, and that selling of secondhand clothes is what he consider as his side hustle. The deal is, most businesses we see do not required much cash, and selling of secondhand clothes is just one of those businesses.

I have seen where a woman leave her work, and focus fully on her side hustle, because it was paying her more better than her job, and what she did was to opened three other branches.

Sometimes, focusing on that main work of ours, without having a side hustle that could earns us money might stop us from living that financial freedom.

Image is mine.


Awesome completely agree you never know what will happen with a side hustle probably many businesses are started this way.

Someone is in a job that pays the bills, starts a side hustle to make extra, then the side hustle out earns the job so then the side hustle is the income earner, it happens more thwn people realise.

Sometimes it doesn't work out, sometimes it just earns the extra needed but occassionally the side hustle becomes the hustle.

Have the best success in all you do


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- @benthomaswwd - Moderator

This post has been curated by the Alive And Thriving Team, we curate good content in the We Are Alive Tribe that is on topic for #aliveandthriving, and it's included in our daily curation report on @aliveandthriving, plus @youarealive is following our Curation Trail.


Greetings friend, @benthomaswwd, that is why i try as i can to encourage people's business by patronizing.

The business they started with just little fund's might end up becoming business of thousands funds.

The power of growth is in the mind and the things we see about the business, how we started it doesn't matter.

Side hustle are always what people love, and whenever it began to give much profit, that is why we see people leave their work and focus on it.

Have a wonderful day, blessings.


Awesome very good my friend
Wishing you success


Most times, it’s the side hustles that actually pay. I’m not surprised that she opened three other branches.


Yes. Side hustle is something no one should overlooked, the advantages are too much on a long run. Thank you @abenad, I wish you a splendid day.
