Beautiful eye's that care
It all began as she looks
I was shy
she knew i was
but deep down i was happy
oh my goodness!
she has the cutest smile
forget what you hear in a song
it was just as they sang
she holds me captive
oh my goodness!
I did nothing wrong.
It was work
my boss work for his father
I was an apprentice
going through learning
that day became an exams
the hardest subject of all
do not asked me if i pass it
I will say it was all in the past
Out of the gate I bought the pasta
she watch how I eat
she makes my heart beat
believed me I was running from it
yet it always finds me
I knew it was my thing
so I try to take it in.
On saturday we met
I love that cutest eye's
it was great I got that sign
the date was the best part
but they left town
it was just the eyes
that cutest sight
hold me back when I want to sigh
she stole my love life
I am just learning to love again
why is it taking long to regain
why do I still see the eyes
with that amazing smile
anyway I still sent my regard.
Mostly at time's people communicate with eyes, speaking of myself, I used to do it when I was a child, and I can not count how many times I have winks my friends, for him to come so that we go out of the place.
In those times, all we do was to play around the house. But do something like this still occur today? i think it does, but it's mostly the lifestyle of kid's.
My Nephew does it, and I will do as if, I do not know what that means, when he winks me.