ZINGSTERS: Share This Tweet


What does one do when the founder (@acidyo) of the HOLOZING game asks you to check out and share a Tweet? The answer: You Do Just That, share the Tweet!

But before we do that we should follow the official @holozing X (Twitter) account so we don't miss any future content tweeted about the HOLOZING game.

Done: I'm now following @holozing on X (Twitter).


Image Source: Holozing Discord

Now Lets Get To Tweeting


The Twitted Message:

Hi future healers! We wanted to show you something different we've been working on that we're quite excited about. Our first creature has been turned into 3d model with animations for our upcoming game!

What do you think? :)

Mission accomplished I have now tweeted, sharing information about the HOLOZING game and its first creature that has been turned to 3D. There is a gif in the Tweet that displays the creature in all its 3d glory from every angle imaginable. Now that we followed and tweeted the Holozing content (You did the same right?) lets check out some of the comments that were left on the tweet itself and share them here in this post.

Beet_Root_Soup Asked:

Looks really promissing 🤩Will the eyes and ears move as well?

Holozing Answered:

We'll animate further! Most of the time went into making sure this would work for both PC and mobile and set a standard for future creature 3d generation!


A new damn cool game is born on the powerful Hive blockchain


great 3d work

@Mango-Juice (GameplaysJuice)

amazingly amazing! This is what I have been talking about, a real #web3 game!!

@cpolsilver (CPOL)

This is game is gonna be huge!!! I love the animation!!! keep up the good work!!!

That is just a small taste of the comments left on the HOLOZING tweet. To read them all you will have to check out the linked tweet in this post and discover them for yourself. Don't forget to hit that retweet button :)


"That gif is cool but some of us are new here, What is Holozing?


HOLOZING is an upcoming Play2Earn game built on the HIVE Blockchain.


A roleplaying adventure game for both casual and competitive players

The game offers many creatures to catch and train with healers to keep them alive and strong while at the same time allowing you to master your chosen professions to craft, find and collect the perfect items with true ownership.

For more information about HOLOZING and the token ZING: I have multiple other post outlining just that. One being HOLOZING: Dissecting The Home Page and another being HOLOZING: White Paper & Airdrop (ClaimDrop). To visit either post click on the highlighted link of the one that interests you.


"Ok RentMoney, that all sounds great but just one more question. Your title mentions the name ZINGSTER: What the heck is that?


"Its what I call those who are interested in the HOLOZING game"

Official HOLOZING Site: https://holozing.com

Keep in mind you will need Hive KeyChain to login.

How To Install KeyChain

As noted Keychain will be needed to login to the HOLOZING webpage. Regardless of if you are participating in HOLOZING or not the secure log in app for the Hive Blockchain known as Keychain is something every HIVE Blockchain user should look into. The app makes HIVE account switching a breeze and keeps our keys safe.

WhitePaper LanguageWhitePaper URL
Holozing Whitepaper - UkrainianClick Here To Visit Post
Holozing Whitepaper - IndonesianClick Here To Visit Post
Holozing Whitepaper - EnglishClick Here To Visit Post
Holozing Whitepaper - GermanClick Here To Visit Post
Holozing Whitepaper - SpanishClick Here To Visit Post
Holozing Whitepaper - SlovenianClick Here To Visit Post
Holozing Whitepaper - PortugueseClick Here To Visit Post
Holozing Whitepaper - RussianClick Here To Visit Post

Listed above in no particular order is the Holozing whitepaper translated to different languages. There may be other translations in the same and different languages but above are the ones that I could find. If you know of other translations feel free to link them below in the comment section and I will include them in future posts that link to the Holozing whitepaper.


The December Bonus Rewards Advent Calendar Is Still On-Going. Don't forget to login to Holozing and make your daily claim. So far I missed just one day due to having to run some errands. How are your claims going, did you claim daily?

Image Source: https://holozing.com/

Image Source: https://holozing.com/

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Already followed them on twitter and I love how many others do too. Tweets are getting good amounts of likes every time.


Good Stuff, the game is looking promising.


I myself have followed them and I myself will like a game that is very popular because there is a lot of publicity about it.


There is certainly allot of interest developing for the game.
