Purchasing Max Cards From The Splinterlands MarketPlace




I have been with Splinterlands since before card delegation was possible. I have been with Splinterlands since before Renting was a thing. I have been with Splinterlands since before there was a game to play. However throughout all these years of being in the Splinterlands community @rentmoney has neglected to do one very important thing. Reading my title will give you a hint (Yup: You Guessed It). RentMoney hasn't ever maxed out a full set. Not Alpha, Not Beta, Not Untamed, Not Chaos, Not even the smaller sets like ORBS. Looking at the Splinterlands marketplace and seeing the very affordable cards up for sale I think now is a good a time as any to do just that. Will I be combining my existing cards (absolutely not). At least not to any large degree. The reasoning: many times its more cost efficient to purchase the leveled card than it is to combine level 1's for upgrades. Being market-wise will come in handy in such situations. So now that I decided to max a set of Splinterland cards what set should I MAX. I'm mainly a BETA card holder with a ton of Reward cards to boot. I have a small but mighty bunch of Alpha's as well. My collection is hit n miss after that. So do I go for the MAX Beta set. The main set I collect (Nope). Do I go for a MAX Alpha Set (Nope). What about UNTAMED or CHAOS (Nope and Nope). What is the plan; you'll have to continue reading to find out :)

Maxing A Set:

RentMoney plans on having a mix batched of maxed cards. Meaning I am not going to limit myself to a specific NFT Set but widen my view point to include any and all NFT Sets. My goal is not to have all maxed cards but to have a sufficient amount of MAXED cards that are playable in Diamond/ Champion League. Further considerations I'm taking when maxing a set are as followes: (NONE). Yup, no other considerations. My first venture is to simply purchase the most cost efficient MAX cards on the market without any reasoning other than they cost the least to purchase. Eventually I will set some buy orders but for now to start this venture lets take a look at the market and purchase a maxed card directly from the listed batch that are available for trade. The most cost efficient are VENARI HEATSMITH, PELECOR MERCENARY, PELECOR BANDIT, GARGOYLE LION and others of that nature within the CHAOS Legion Rewards set. I already have some of those maxed but lets take a look to see if I'm missing one of them or another that I can kick-start this venture off with. Looking in the Splinterlands card market I can see there are some MAX Rare cards trading at a value below $2.50 and that will be our first purchase.


First In Line To Be Purchased

The card of choice is XENITH ARCHER. There is a maxed one for trade at the value of $2.40 USD. XENITH ARCHER is a RARE Neutral Unit belonging to CHAOS Legion. I suspect the CHAOS Legion Trade value will dip once removed from modern but at $2.40 for a maxed rare card I'm already in. Looking at my SPL account I see I have some 3000 credits from some affiliate earnings so I'll be using that instead of my DEC. 1000 credits equals $1.00 USD so that means this card will cost 2400 credits. With a few clicks of a button I'm now the owner of card number C7-427-49YUWJO6XS. Lets see what this card is currently renting at. 1.86 is the current low so I guess I'll place my newly attained max card up for 1.79 to see if we can get any interested parties (Done and Done: it's just a waiting game now). Lets take a look at the combine rates and Lore of this card. I should mention that it takes 115 individual XENITH ARCHER to combine to create a MAXED XENITH ARCHER. There's a handful of one BCX XENITH ARCHER for sale at the $0.02 cent range but the card quickly jumps to $0.03 USD per BCX with just 8-10 sales.

Combine Rates:




Lore Continued:

Xenith warriors stood in the distance, hoods covering their faces. Their creed prevented them from getting involved in political disputes, but this was no dispute. This was a massacre. “We must do something! We can't let these people fall at the hands of these invaders!” A bronze skinned woman yelled, yanking the hood off her head. An elder Xenith member responded, “This is the way of it Delya. We must consult with the monks to see what they decree. If they believe this is fate, then we must remain out of it!”

Delya angrily turned away from the group and pulled her hood over her head. She pulled a bow from her quiver and took aim at an enemy soldier within range. “Delya, no!” Screamed the Xenith member. The arrow flew and embedded itself in the heart of the Chaos Legion soldier. They slumped to the ground, unmoving. Delya shot a glare back at the Xenith warriors and readied another arrow. “Now, I am part of the disorder. I will bring balance to what I have started.”

All Lore And Images above have been taken from the official Splinterlands site and can be read and/or seen by clicking on this highlighted area.

Image Source

What Is Splinterlands?

Splinterlands is a play2earn game hosted on the Hive Blockchain. NFT's that have real monetary value are used to earn rewards in a robust gaming economy that also have real monetary value. Such assets are tradable on-site or on many different secondary markets such as TribalDex and Hive-Engine. Don't have a Splinterlands account yet. Well you are in luck because I just so happen to have an ambassador code. Clicking it will start the sign up process. What is an ambassadors code? Its a code that will give me credit for your sign up at no cost to you. Here it is: https://splinterlands.com/register?ref=rentmoney Don't want to use my ambassador code (no worries) here is a direct link: https://splinterlands.com.

Splinterlore: https://lore.splinterlands.com/

Disclaimer: The @rentmoney blog is for entertainment only. No financial advice has been given in this post. Please do your own research before spending or investing any of your hard earned currencies. Thanks for reading. We hope to see you at our next post. Smash that follow button if you haven't already. It will put my content in your feed making it easier for you to find.

Posted Using INLEO


I remember back in the day you didn't combine any of your alphas/betas above silver league because singles would have better resale value. Things have changed over time. The newer sets are not viewed as investments like the old ones were and league caps no longer exist. So it makes sense to have some fun maxing out some cards from newer sets.


Absolutely, most my earlier cards are not combined.



I've been around since 2018 too. And I also don't have either of the sets maxed. For obvious reasons Chaos legion is the set which I have most high level cards. I'm short of 2 Zenith monks and 7 Goblin Psychic to take them to level 6 and 7. I also use the same strategy of placing bids and waiting. It's been a long wait now. Lol


You are now short 0 Zenith Monks :)

Good luck with your leveling goals.


Oh that's so sweet of you. Thanks much. Love the void ability. Excited to try it out.


My Goblin Psychic is finally levelled up to get silence ability.


Rentmoney always making good investment decisions 😉 maxed cards can be had at crazy discounts to lower level cards. Often if I have a lower level card and want to max it out, I sell it and buy a maxed card instead of combining lower level cards. Its also interesting as you get into older sets, sometimes there is just not enough inventory of lower level cards and you have to buy a maxed one anyway.


That is very market wise of you. I suspect CL cards to dip after being removed from Modern. I'll pick at a card here n there until then to see what the market does.
