My Continued Pursuit Of A Max Deck Or Maybe Not?
Max Cards Here I Come:
(Or Maybe Not: Lets Take A Look)
Less than a week ago I created a post stating and taking action with purchasing MAX cards from the Splinterlands marketplace. Cards sold by Splinterland players to Splinterland Players. That post was titled: Purchasing Max Cards From The Splinterlands MarketPlace. Today we continue that pursuit. What card will @rentmoney be purchasing today? Well @rentmoney isn't sure yet. As usual I post my content in real time and as events unfold. So here we go off to sign in to Splinterlands and then next we will have to see what deals are available. However before we do that we here at the @rentmoney blog like to give a dose of redundancy in our blog post to ensure that our posted content is able to make sense to a new reader. So for those of you who might be reading the @rentmoney blog for the first time or researching what Splinterlands is here we go. What is Splinterlands? (Good Question) Splinterlands is a play2earn game hosted on the Hive Blockchain. NFT's that have real monetary value are used to earn rewards in a robust gaming economy that also have real monetary value. Such assets are tradable on-site or on many different secondary markets such as TribalDex and Hive-Engine. Don't have a Splinterlands account yet. Well you are in luck because I just so happen to have an ambassador code. Clicking it will start the sign up process. What is an ambassadors code? Its a code that will give me credit for your sign up at no cost to you. Here it is: Don't want to use my ambassador code (no worries) here is a direct link:
The MarketPlace:
Image Source: PeakMonsters
Splinterlands had some scheduled maintenance today. Which just so happen to be still ongoing at the time of this post creation. No big deal I can wait until then to finish my actions of purchasing a max card today. The screenshot above isn't the Maintenance image from Splinterlands but the one displayed at PeakMonsters. It's the first time I have seen it and it looks sharp so wanted to display its creativeness here for others to see. [We're Back] And just like that by the magic of the internet some time has passed but here in this post its only an instant. Now that Splinterlands maintenance is done Lets go take a look at the market and purchase a MAX Splinterlands card to add to our ever growing collection. Which one shall we purchase this time? Just as last time I have no set plan other than to find the most cost friendly MAX card that I don't already have maxed. The deck I'm building will be full of such cards and then when I feel as I have sufficient amount of MAX cards we will put them to the test in the Mean Streets Of Ranked Play.
We Found A Card:
Rare At What Price (This is insanity)
Venari Crystalsmith which is a RARE (Life) Rewards card. As I sit here and look at this undervalued card I can't help but think $2.16 is a steal of a deal. Looking at the MAX cards that are for sale I can see after just four purchases the MAX card price jumps to near and over $3.00 USD. I was just about to purchase this card when I had the thought to check the level one price. Could it be possible that a level one is the same price (YUP) looks like there are a bunch of level one Venari Crystalsmith cards listed for $0.02. I think it might be a better idea for me to buy up those $0.02 cards and combine them. This will shrink the supply of the card on the market which only benefits everyone. So for now that is what I will do instead of purchasing the maxed version. Looking at my Splinterlands account I can see I have 740 credits left from affiliate earnings so I will use that to purchase as many of these $0.02 Venari Crystalsmith cards as I can. Lets see what I end up with. Looks like that is enough for 38 Level One's. Total cost: 722 Credits. Fun cost: Priceless! That was an interesting turn of events. From going to purchasing a MAX card to finding out maintenance was taking place to purchasing a bunch of Level One's instead. All done in real time here on the @rentmoney blog. Blogged about as it unfolded. Of course our pursuit for a MAX Deck has not ended. We will continue to look at the market over the next days and pick up a card or two. What cards we will purchase are unknown to me. We will find out together as I post about in real time. Thanks for reading: don't forget to smash that follow button as doing so makes it easier to find my content.
Venari Crystalsmith Lore:
Banished from Below 1 of 5 - There are many civilizations on the Planet whose existence has always gone unknown in the Splinterlands. Some of them are part of distant continents, with whom the Splinterlands became disconnected centuries ago, long before the great Splintering. Others reside under the deep water of the Outer Ocean, similar to the way merfolk thrive in the Water Splinter of ΛZMΛRÉ. Still, when considering all the people of the world, it is always easy to overlook those who dwell under the ground. For a round Planet as large as this one, there is nearly endless three-dimensional space beneath the surface, and much of that space is inhabited.
At the center of the Planet, there is a living core, believed to be made of molten rock. This core engine is the origin of all mana and magical power on and around the Planet. From the core, mana arteries extend upward toward the surface and emerge as mana flows, springs and fountains on every part of the Planet. Lore taken from the official Splinterlands site.
Disclaimer: The @rentmoney blog is for entertainment only. No financial advice has been given in this post. Please do your own research before spending or investing any of your hard earned currencies. Thanks for reading. We hope to see you at our next post. Smash that follow button if you haven't already. It will put my content in your feed making it easier for you to find.
And lets share that cool PeakMonsters image again because why the heck not!
Want more reading material (Here You Go)
- [Hive Token | Leo Token | Splinterlands | Zing Token | Moon Karts]
- DHF or WTF (What In The Blazes Is Going On)
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My Continued Pursuit Of A Max Deck Or Maybe Not?
Crystalsmith is a great card. It was often used, especially right after the release of chaos legion reward cards. In the modern meta I think it got a little bit worse, because of other good existing cards.
It is nice to have a goal to stride towards, once you actually get there, it might get hollow really quick :)
I legitimately use this card all the time.
This is a very good card with decent attack and healing at 4 mana. Good for low mana rule sets.
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Thanks for sharing! - @cieliss