[Hive Token | Leo Token | Splinterlands | Zing Token | Moon Karts]



This is a continuation of my last post similarly titled (Hive Token | Leo Token | Splinterlands | Moon Karts) which is a continuation of a forever ongoing series of posts that I labeled as My Hive Goals. That last linked post was two weeks ago and I have made some progress with setting plans and expanding my goals for on-chain and off-chain activities. I find it best to say out loud ones intended actions or in Hive's case typed out loud. This helps ensure one holds themself accountable for reaching such milestones or at the very least attempting to with possible adjustments along the way. This post will detail the progress I made over the past couple weeks and beyond in regards to the titled tokens and life goals set.

Hive Token:

The recent DHF shakeup has me thinking more so now than ever how important it is to have staked Hive Tokens. If you are unfamiliar with the DHF I created a post yesterday titled DHF or WTF (What In The Blazes Is Going On) we encourage you to read it. In short a whale voted on the return proposal thus pushing up the return proposal above once approved projects (thus temperately de-funding them). The whale vote has since been removed. This post isn't about all that but some context is important here. Read the linked post for more details. Luckily I was already in progress of setting up things to help increase my Hive Power. First by more better utilizing my on-chain assets. Once I am done with that optimizing I will move on to other aspects and actions such as the potential of tossing some more fiat at the chain.

Leo Token:

I see nothing but opportunity. While others (rightfully so) see the downside of the recent LEO Token drop I see the upside. I been keeping a close eye on the LEO Token market. At current time the tokens USD value is of no importance to me. I weigh the tokens value against the cost to purchase in HIVE. Currently the Leo Token can be traded for about 15/20: 1 with Hive. That is a steal of a deal if you ask me but on the other hand I have this nagging thought in my mind that the Hive Token very possibly could be the next Token to catch the wave of upswing. If that happens the already very appealing ratio outlined above will then be even more favorable. In either case The current USD value of LEO is not a price I image will always be. For my own personal goals and thoughts getting in now at the current ratio is a punt that has more upside than most other punts do. Taking away the profitable side: I want the token regardless for the sheer reason of showing support to the Leo Community. It's not always about profits for those like me that are here for the blogging side of things just as much as any other reason. In-fact after I'm done completing this post I might mosey on over to TribalDex and pick up a handful of Leo to add to my ever increasing stack I already have. Unfortunately I missed Leo Powerup day as I wasn't and rarely do pay attention to the date. Leo Power Up Day is on the 15th of every month. I'll certainly be trying to not miss the next one.


SPL for short holds my biggest investment on-chain. I'm still shocked that I put as much funds into a gaming project as I did. I am or I should say was the very WEB2 user I imagine Hive wants to attract. Splinterlands in-large is responsible for my fiat contribution to this chain. I believe its highly likely that mass adaption will look very much what Splinterlands has already proven. Which is WEB2 Users investing in the Hive blockchain through the purchase of in-app tokens and/or assets. To touch on something I haven't spoke on yet: Dark Energy Crystals. DEC for short is important to the Splinterlands game and I have recently neglected to build a bag of DEC. Of course this wasn't always the case but at current time I have very little. Over the past weeks I been working on optimizing my rentals or more correctly put; placing my cards on the rental market to utilize for DEC gains and add to the liquidity of cards that others might want to rent instead of purchase. So far I have been satisfied with my steps in this regard but I still have tons of work to do. Of course there is also SPS to consider which one can never have enough of. Same goes for the card sets, one can never have enough.

Zing Token:

Not that long ago I ventured into the ZING:SWAP.HIVE liquidity pool. I did this because I want to help with the liquidity in the pool and I also want to increase my ZING Token bag to 1 Million ZING. I created a short post some days ago titled ZING Liquidity Pool (Its Time To Make A Plan & Set Some Goals) so I won't go into too much detail here other than I have now taken the actions as detailed in that post. Thus taking action to accomplish my ZING Token goals. I currently hold somewhere around 350,000+ ZING Tokens (likely more: I'm too lazy at the moment to look up the exact number). That means I'm 35% of the way there. That's a nice chunk but there's allot of room to make up for. I'll give some more thoughts on what to do next in some days time. For now I'm satisfied with actively taking action in the ZING:SWAP.HIVE Pool among the other support I give that yield me the ZING Token (Delegation: Staking: Asset Holding). I'm no expert on such things but seems like Holozing is building up a nice core base of supporters and that is a good indicator of future success. RentMoney is stacking while the stacking is still relatively easy to do. ZING is one of the main tokens for upcoming Holozing game.

Moon Karts:

I very much want to imprint further within the Moon Karts world (Arcade Colony). Before I can do that I need to get my emails fixed as Arcade Colony (Moon Karts Host Site) requires email verification. I have been a slacker in this regard. In-fact the very next thing I intend on doing before creating another post is attempting to get my email reinstated (I got locked out due to too many failed password attempts) or possibly changing the email associated with my Moon Karts account. This is an issue with my email not with Moon Karts. With all the researching I have done on the game and post creation one would think I would have already done those things but I have not. Sometimes @rentmoney does things upside down and backwards but I always get there. In the meantime I have set some SCRIPT orders and CENTAURI orders on TribalDex. I'm very much thinking about increasing my SCRIPT Token offer and running up the bot that is in the market in the same manner I did the CENTAURI pack market. I have already taken actions such as removing some of my 100 SCRIPT orders to get ready for such an event. I did leave one 100 SCRIPT Token order in the very off chance that someone sells into the buy orders while I procrastinate. Moon Karts is a race style game with similarities to Mario Kart.

Life Goals:

Not only is my series of posts I promptly refer to as My Hive Goals dedicated to ensuring I'm making progress on-chain but also meant to hold myself responsible for living up to the "New Years Resolution" set. Which was a simple yet meaningful goal of making healthier choices in the "real world". So far all good in that department although I still never hit a workout or exercise routine. I don't envision that will happen over the next week or two but hopefully within a month. I very much am busy at the moment with some house renovations. Mostly just painting and moving rooms around but I been doing so a little too slowly for my liking so I'll be upping my time spent doing such. Two rooms just about completed and a couple more to go.

Until Next Time:

That's it for now. No fluff or muss or unneeded pics that extend to unneeded scrolling. Just straight up text with a footer. Thanks for reading we hope that this post serves as a reminder to set your own goals and if need be a nudge that helps remind you to take action on your goals that you have outlined for yourself. We hope to see you at our next post. Feel free to let us know about your goals and what you are doing to accomplish them in the comment section below! The rentmoney blog is for entertainment only. No financial advice has been given in this post.

Image Source: Free use from imgflip.com edited by @rentmoney

Posted Using INLEO

41.861 POB


Just some unrequited advice, on Hive, is better to set up x10 bigger goals that what you estimate yearly, and then try to make them, even if you fail and do only half, you still made x5 more than expected. challenge yourself.

0.400 POB

Your advice is much appreciated.

0.000 POB

I'm personally hyping myself up to reach 2500 Hive power.
Getting really really close.

0.386 POB

Nice, it won't be long before you hit that milestone.


0.000 POB

Splinterlands continues to be sucking up all my crypto fiat investments. Good investment 🤷 good fun? Heck yeah!

0.380 POB

I hear you.

So much opportunity: no way possible to take part in it all.

0.000 POB

What about BBHO?

0.374 POB

I need to start using that tag more often.

Its on my list to collect and stake like some other community tokens such as #SPT.

0.000 POB

Happiness is when you are achieving things after every year of hard work, even if it takes a lot of hard work and time.

0.303 POB

Thank you

0.000 POB
@tom45p just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your post dear @rentmoney! Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:

Don't be shy - share some DIY!

You can query your personal balance by !DIYSTATS

0.000 POB