Blue Dragonfly-Perch | Diplacodes trivialis


Hello everyone, good afternoon wherever you are, how are you this afternoon? Hope you are fine wherever you are.

I'm back here again and on this occasion I want to show you some beautiful shots of a Blue Dragonfly-Perch or in Latin "diplacodes trivialis" relaxing on the leaves of a wild plant. This dragonfly is one of the dragonflies that is easy to find, they are found in various places such as plantations, rice fields, lake shores, rivers, irrigation, forests, small bushes, house yards, city parks and so on. And you need to know that this dragonfly is a little different from other dragonflies in general. This dragonfly spends more time above the ground. Occasionally these dragonflies perch on leaves or chatter on trees.

As I found, initially this dragonfly was above the ground and was sunbathing there. When I approached it, the dragonfly suddenly moved onto the leaf of the lying plant. I gave up my intention to approach him first, so that he felt comfortable there and didn't move again when I approached him again. After I made sure the atmosphere was safe and the dragonfly was calm there, then I approached it again. Arriving in the area I immediately took photos.

While he was busy taking photos, he instead moved places. The place he was going now was not far from where he came from, now he was standing on a dead grass branch. Maybe he was immersed in the same place that's why he moved to the current place. Here he stood for a very long time until I finished photographing him. Even though he stood there for a long time, I couldn't replace the shooting angle. If I move then something will happen and he will move away.

Latin nameDiplacodes trivialis
Observation date10 Sep, 2024
Camera usedrealme 7 Pro
LocationAceh, Indonesia
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