Birdwatching - 2172 🐦

🦉 The brambling (Fringilla montifringilla)

  • Fringilla (lat.) Finch; fi nco (old German)
  • montifringilla lat .: mōns, montis mountain, mountain range

These birds appear in the forests of my city a little later than chaffinches, although there were several times when I met them early, when there was still snow, but it was just them flying past.
These birds are not numerous, unlike the Chaffinch, and do not stay in the forests for long. They spend the mating season in the spring and disappear.

And then one summer I went to a pine forest far outside the city. And I met these birds. And there were quite a lot of them. Apparently, they nest in these places.

Nikon D5200Tamron SP AF 150-600mm f/5-6.3 Di VC USD
