My saving the world meal

Happy New Week to everyone in @hivenaija's community, it's always my pleasure to be here. This week's prompt got me thinking since I saw it, "a food that will make the hostile visitors give up their power", wow "What food has that kind of power?" then one came to my mind, this is a delicacy I love eating. A food that whenever I eat, I'm always satisfied, I don't know why but it sure satisfies my craving anytime, and any day. I'm 80% sure if I prepare this food for our hostile visitors, it will spellbind them and make them vulnerable, it is one of my favorite dishes of all time. You all might be wondering what food I'm talking about that is so special that will make the aliens lose their guards.

I'm aware that many don't like this dish, I've come across a friend who said she doesn't take it at all. I told her she was missing a lot, this is a dish I can eat over and over again, and I don't get tired of eating it because I enjoy the blessedness in the taste. If the fate of humanity is to rest on my shoulders and had to prepare food to give to our hostile aliens, I will be preparing SEMOVITA AND EFO RIRO ( I don't know the English of efo riro but take it as a vegetable soup). Yes, I'm sure some are surprised and might be asking why Semovita when there are different varieties of rice such as fried rice, jollof rice, white rice with stew, Chinese rice, ofada rice, and so on.

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Semovita and efo riro a food that has been around for a while and every tribe eats them, it is loved by many because they are always delicious when prepared in the right manner. Everyone has their way of preparing food and I believe my way is one of the best which will melt any heart of stone, with two morsels in your stomach, your heart will be as soft as wool.

Once upon a time, in the land of Morire, a small village in the southern part of Nigeria was ruled by a wicked king called King Oyewusi, a young prince who became king. He was feared by everyone in the village because of his wicked acts. His appearance alone is enough to get anyone scared, no one dares go to the palace to let their mind out because he is always frowning his face. He is not married because no woman wants to marry such a man and this makes him lonely. His chiefs had no choice but to meet him once in a while to discuss the growth of the village with him and the villager's complaints. No one understands the reason for his hostility, the maids preparing his food always complain to the chiefs because he doesn't eat well neither does he talk to anyone. No one knows how to help the scary wicked king who doesn't have respect for anyone in the community.

One of their yearly festival where all the maiden in the village prepare their favorite meal and present it to the king, he will taste it all. The chiefs came to inform the king about it, and as usual, he told the king to make the preparations and feed him back on what to do. After all the preparations had been made, the day for the festival finally arrived and it will be held at the market square. The King arrived on his horse in a royal regalia and every maiden there had eyes for the king but his scary appearance was a turn-off for many of them. The festival began with singing and dancing, the chanters singing praises of King Oyewusi who sat on his royal chair with his frowned face. After the masquerade performance, it was time for the king to have a taste of all the foods prepared by the twenty maidens who participated.

He moved closer to the table where they displayed their cooking but because of his countenance, no one dared raise her head to look at his face. He tasted the first fifteen dishes taking one morsel each from those who prepared solid meals from the different fifteen maidens and nothing changed about him. However, no one was expecting a change because that's how he had been since he was enthroned. When he got to the sixteenth maiden called Oyetola one of the chief's daughters who prepared semovita and efo riro, he took a morsel and was about to move to the next maiden when he moved back a bit to take another morsel from Oyetola's dish. Everyone was watching with anxiety waiting to see what the kind was up to, he took another morsel making it three out of her dish and everyone present began to murmur, and ask one another "What was the king doing?" Oyetola was surprised to see the king take the fourth morsel with a smile on his face, then he moved to the next maidens and tasted it all.

After tasting all the dishes, the king announced that all the maidens tried their best but there was an outstanding maiden whose dish was the best. Everyone already guessed who that might be, the king moved closer to Oyetola held her by the hand, and smiled at her. The crowd cheered because they had never seen their king smile before and this was the first festival he would attend since he had been enthroned as the king over the people of Morire's village. After the festival, he asked the chiefs for the biodata of Oyetola, and he was surprised when his right-hand chief popularly called (love otun) replied that she was his daughter. King Oyewusi smiled and this to the surprise of all his chiefs.

"I would love to see your daughter," the king said to Oyetola's father with a broad smile on his face. This was the best moment the chiefs have had with the king ever since his enthronement. "Her dish is so delicious, I can't get my mind off her, I would love her to be my queen so that she can cook such delicious meals for me from time to time", the kind said to his chiefs. This was the beginning of a new dawn for the people of Morire's kingdom, their king's stone heart had been melted by Oyetola's delicious semolina and efo riro. The King now goes about with a bright countenance, making himself accessible to all the villagers both young and old and after the formal preparation had been made, he got married to Oyetola and they live happily ever after.

Just as in the above story, I'm sure my delicious semovita and efo riro can melt the heart of any hostile alien making him lose his guard and setting the people of the world free. The semovita is made from durum wheat and it is rich in gluten, it is a good source of carbohydrates, while the vegetable which I prefer is spinach, it gives this delicious taste that I can't resist, it is a good source of protein and inorganic nitrate. It is rich in iron, vitamins C and E, potassium, and magnesium, it helps support immune function, and aid the digestive system. What else can a hostile alien hoped for if not a delicious meal that contains all the goodness of healthy living.

Thanks for your time and your comments will be appreciated.


I love efo riro beyond imagination. Though I prefer to take it with pounded yam, semovita would be a perfect substitute too. It can melt the hardened mind of any alien. I love the way you infuse fiction into your presentation.


Efo riro is one of the soups I've never tasted but would love to. Maybe then I'll decide for myself if it can really save the world 😂. Nice one.


Pls do try it, you will be glad you did.


I will love to eat before riro for I need some kind of food that can make Me to laugh and smile for smile is gradually fading away because of our country's economy. 😂 Thanks for sharing


Although I haven't had a taste of this dish, I have heard of how nice it is. And certainly I trust our local delicacies to work magice. So, I believe that it can save the world😀


Thanks for reading, pls try it. You will be glad
