How I spent my holiday

It's a new year, and each country is buzzing with the joy of the new year, 2023 is gone forever but the memories made linger on into 2024. The beauty of a holiday is enjoying every bit of it, and having fun to the fullest. I wonder why some people don't celebrate holidays? As for me, I'm always glad anytime I hear a holiday is coming because I know it's a time for enjoyment. The holiday is meant to be enjoyed, the memories we gather will help us to move on even when we are no longer with the people we made those memories with.

The Christmas holiday for me was awesome and fun because I spent it with my extended family in my hometown. Thanks @terganftp for this holiday prompt, although it's not that long I had all the fun I'm about to share with you but when I remember the memories, it puts a smile on my face. Christmas is a holiday I always look forward to because of the sweet memories that last longer through the following year which comprise some delicious meals that were always cooked during Christmas because the house is filled with my aunties from other tribes.

I didn't get the chance to eat the delicious soups of one of my aunties who hails from Akwa-Ibom this year because she got her visa to the United Kingdom and left in October. Everyone missed her edikaikong soup this year, since Christmas Eve, the celebration already started in my family house because everyone had arrived for the Christmas celebration, and for the family Thanksgiving which is always held on December 26th every year. The Christmas celebration began with lots of snacks such as chinchin, meat pie, cream rolls, and shawarma made by my mom and my other aunties. I had my fill because I made sure to eat out of all the snacks and the other children also enjoyed themselves as they all ate as they wished with no one to stop them.

Holidays with families are always the best, mine was loud and noisy because there were lots of young children at home. Their cries, screams, and laughter filled the house with lots of joy and good memories. My grandparents were happy they could celebrate the holiday with their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. Coming home to celebrate with them always puts a smile on their faces. I remember when we told them we were leaving on the 30th of December, they weren't that happy because they didn't want us to leave yet but everyone had to return to their destinations in preparation for the new year.

After returning to my residence, I decided to end the year with fun, my siblings have been on my neck for a while now about going to the park, and I've been postponing it but I couldn't anymore as they all disagree with me and wanted to go either I like it or not. Sometimes I wonder if those children know what adulthood means, all they want is to go out, have fun, and spend money forgetting that I have lots of responsibilities to take care of. I had to do that for them to make them happy, my holiday was beautiful as I enjoyed spending time with my family and taking time out to have fun outside my home. The New Year celebration is done at home today with everyone feeling great for entering into the new year with every member of the family.


Thanks for your time and your comments will be appreciated.


You had a fantastic Christmas celebration 🥳🥳🥳. May 2024 bring good tidings.


Thanks for the pictures and the recollection. Hearing about family buzzing with children, lots of food and good memorieswas nice. The images are not what I would normally think of when I picture Nigeria but they appear like people having fun.

Also I totally understand about children not understanding the pressures of adult life and just running for fun. I envy them.

Thanks for posting


Lolz, it's sure fun. Thanks for reading


Weelllll we have some very nice places here, parks museums and other captivating tourist attractions. It is normal to wonder since there are many stories of woes than the happy ones that don't often make it here...

I might go out often and bring you more pictures so that you can have other ideas of our lives down here.


Hehe, @rare-gem did that in her holiday post. I hear stories of people going hungry because its so expensive for food. I hear stories about buildings caving in because of poor construction. People being afraid of being kidnapped. Gives a pretty scary image of the country.

Then I see pictures of people enjoying themselves in a carnival like place with tasty food nearby. Kind of ruins the image of "this place is brutally hard ;)"

In the end I just have to admit that I really know nothing. I really can't understand it. But I'll still present a dream and leave it to you guys to tell me where I'm just a little too crazy ;)


This is the summary of it.

We have some good and lovely places here just thesame way it is with having some good and quality Nigerians with good character.

We also have ugly places and ugly in character people too.

Just like having a two side to a coin. It's left to you fo decide which part you want to be surrounded with.


I envision the Philippines. It has parts with great beauty...but they are often underdeveloped and difficult to get to. They have wonderful loving people as a whole but the few bad ones make everyone's life miserable. They value family and faith above all else but that can get in the way of progress when you hire someone related rather than the best. They have places that are advanced and rival (or exceed) that of Canada while other places are pure squallor.

Maybe its not the right vision, but I have to think of something :)


Lolz @terganftp , it's not that bador let me say depending on the state you are in. People living in the northern states might not enjoy what I enjoyed because security is so low there but for where I live, that is my state, it's more peaceful here so we can go out and have fun just the way we want it.


You are still a baby too nah, what do you know about adulthood and responsibility 😂🤣😂.
One day I will taste that your edi watin soup.
It's good to celebrate holiday together with family and to visit our old parents and keep them warm.


Exactly momma, don't worry we should have a hang out sef just to know one another better.
