Health is Wealth


Health is wealth, whosoever comes up with this is so right. Your state of health determines how rich you are, this is not stating financial wealth as we all know. Today many wealthy men and women are wishing they could exchange their wealth with sound health because at times, money becomes useless when health is challenged. Nothing can be traded with good health, because a healthy person will be able to run his or her daily activities without obstruction unlike a person fighting for his or her life on a sick bed. As humans there are foreign factors we invited into our body systems that causes one damage or the other to our body.

A smoker , drunkard and a drug addict are prone to different kinds of internal diseases due to the harmful substances they ingest, inject and inhale into their body. Sound health should be everyone's priority but it's not so in this generation, as a medical practisioner I see different cases everyday and I know how far sick people can go in terms of spending money to have sound health and be back on their feet.

For healthy living, keeping fit and eating well should top the chart, I know someone might disagree with me on this and ask how can one eat and exercise well in a country where food stuffs are expensive and exercising in a gym cost a fortune especially for the less privileged? Eating balanced diet these days is a thug of war, people are not getting to eat adequately required protein, vitamins, fibre and the likes. Most of the foods we consumed are carbohydrates which are processed as glucose in the body systems and increases our blood glucose / sugar level. I priced some fruits yesterday , and a red apple costs #600 per one while the small green ones cost #400. I had to paused for a while to think of the one to get , then I imagine if I'm to get for a family of 7. I was told an orange cost #100 per one, if I'm to buy that , I can't possibly buy one orange for my parents even for myself ,then how many will I buy for the seven of us? That's how expensive things are presently in my country but amidst this, one must find way around it to keep healthy.

Exercise on the other hand can be done at home, there are simple exercises that can be done at home to keep the body fit without going to the gym if it's too expensive and unaffordable. I see people who smokes and say they are healthy because they are on pills that keeps their liver healthy, well I can't and won't argue with them because they have either no or little knowledge about what they are getting themselves into.

Personal hygiene on the other hand is something that must be done individually just as the name implies "personal". This is a very important part of living healthy that everyone must adapt to, be it make or female. Oral hygiene is one of the part of hygiene that people ignore, why? Because they think it's only right to brush when you wake up in the morning and after that, it's no longer necessary. Some people have bad mouth odor which they should be conscious of at all times by brushing as many times as possible, making use of mouth wash and other oral care medications that would give fresh breathe.

Body hygiene which is also paramount and important, simple tasks such as taking one's bath after coming in from somewhere such as office, market, church, mosque, gym and so on. Many time their bathing everyday, they bath only when they wake up in the morning and setting to go out, they don't think bathing is necessary when they return from wherever they went to. The sweat contains water, salt and fat which mixes with the bacteria in our body that gives a foul odor. Some odor are offensive, some not so bad but yet one need to take a shower regularly irrespective of where you go, even if it's not far from your residence.

Making good use of body deodorant that smells nice is also advisable, some deodorants are choky and not so good. Taking good care of the body parts that can harbor dirts such as armpit is very important especially for people that are hairy. Washing of clothes is also important, some will wear cloth that they've sweat on over and over again and still claiming it's not dirty because where they went wasn't far. Especially in sunny weather, a cloth shouldn't be repeated because the odor that is is once worn will still be there and that isn't so good for the skin most especially for people that their body reacts to dirts. Staying healthy and maintaining good personal hygiene should be everyone's responsibility.

Thanks for your time, and your comments will be appreciated.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


health is priceless, and maintaining it should be everyone's priority. I appreciate your practical advice on staying healthy, even with limited resources. Simple habits like exercising at home, maintaining personal hygiene, and being mindful of what we eat can make a big difference. Thanks for sharing these valuable insights


Health is indeed wealth, with all the resources, if ones has bad health, those resources wouldn't be enjoyed. Most people joke with their healths in the name of looking for money and other managing life, I only pity them.

The issue of hygiene is something we ought to take seriously, I am not also too good at it but I am doing my best, lol


Lolz, keep doing your best and you will be glad you did.
