Education is the best legacy


"Education is the best legacy." I grew up hearing this word from those who are literate, while the illiterate would say education isn't a must once you know your way around making money. I can't and won't say they are wrong, they only spoke from their perspective and what they thought was right. Appreciation to the Christian missionaries who brought Western education to Nigeria. They knew the importance of education, and that was why they introduced it; one of the things that can cause more harm than poison is ignorance.

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Ignorance is a deadly disease that should be fought it kills faster than diseases. Education is a strong foundation upon which everyone should build themselves; acquiring more knowledge daily should be everyone's priority. Education is essential for both personal growth and building a strong society. It allows one to expand one's knowledge and skills, which provides better job opportunities and gives sustainable and stable income. Aside from this, education helps in critical thinking, problem-solving, good writing, and good communication, which is a driving force for any successful career.

From my perspective, education helps build an economically growing society; knowledgeable people are needed to drive the country's or society's economy to greater heights. I will say education brings us together in the sense that it helps us share ideas that could be of great help to industries, society, and the country at large. Over the years, education has improved greatly, and factors like disabilities, family income, and neighborhood factors shouldn't decide one's educational level. I believe everyone should have access to education as it is one big tool for eradicating ignorance and illiteracy.

The governments of each country should be able to assist underfunded schools and help less privileged students who can't afford the fees for school. Education is needed in every area of human life; for example, a business person who is either literate or illiterate, such an individual will need proper documentation of finances, which is mathematics, which means one needs that particular knowledge to achieve that so either directly or indirectly, education is involved.

Education is sure the best legacy because when I see people who aren't educated, I feel pity for them and when I hear them speak, they always wish they were educated. My grandmother is a typical example of a stack illiterate; she had no education whatsoever, but she is a lover of good and quality education. Her love for education made her struggle so hard to send all her seven children to school. She made sure she saw them educated in higher institutions, and today, she has a pharmacist, a nurse, and an engineer, among many others. Education is what everyone should strive to acquire, although some will say education doesn't make one rich in my perspective, acquiring education makes you the richest.

Thanks for your time and your comments will be appreciated.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


That is true, everyone's got their own perspective on what education is and should be. But it is a must everyone gets educated in anyway they can, ignorance is scary 😅


I agree with You. I also think that one person can learn so much content in the school but at the same time he or she lack of values. Then can we Say he or she is a Educated people?


Hmm deep question,I think that's family factor


So far is could be true from your end but knowing your way round is the key
