Appreciating the free gifts of nature

We've been so blessed by nature and that is evidenced in our daily living. The gifts of nature are so numerous that we can't mention them all but the few we can name such as the free air we breathe in known as oxygen, scrubs and herbs that are useful and healthy for human consumption, fresh water from rain, lakes and streams to mention but few. If we are to pay for all these gifts of nature we receive for free, we sure know how exorbitant our bills would be especially in a country like mine.

Nature has blessed humanity with many gifts to sustain our lives and bring us joy without asking for anything in return. The sunlight that nourishes our plants and the natural beauty all around us are some of life's precious gifts that must be protected now and for future generations. One of the most vital gifts of nature is air; all living creatures need oxygen to survive, yet we were given this life-sustaining element without having to pay a price for it. Unfortunately, humans do tamper with this precious gift through activities such as the burning of fossil fuel and large-scale deforestation, which have led to a decline in air quality in many parts of the world. Air pollution poses serious health risks and has contributed to global warming, it will be safer if we adopt green practices to curb pollution and safeguard this gift of air.

Another indispensable gift of nature is water; water is essential for sustaining all lives on earth, just as air. However, access to clean and safe water is not equally distributed across the planet. I watched a documentary some months ago where a rural area in one of the Asian countries is drinking muddy water; they had to filtrate the water with some cloth to drink, but the water is still muddy and dirty. While nature offers water as a gift, human interventions such as dams, diversions, and groundwater extraction have disrupted natural water cycles in many regions. Conservation mechanisms and rainwater harvesting should be considered to keep water safe and in abundance for the future.

Sunlight is another generous gift from nature that powers life on our planet. The plant uses sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide for photosynthesis and produces oxygen for animals and food for human consumption. Human activities such as deforestation are destroying natural carbon sinks like forests at an alarming rate. We need to protect existing forests and undertake large-scale afforestation drives to preserve this free solar energy source and mitigate climate change. Transition to solar and other renewable sources of energy can further help reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.

all images are mine

In addition to the vital resources, nature also offers humanity landscapes that bring us joy, happiness, a sense of wonder, relaxation, and inspiration all free of cost. Views of places like mountains, rivers, beaches, islands, forests, and national parks allow us to connect with nature and experience its magnificence. However, with rapid urbanization and a growing population all over the world, many natural areas are under threat from unsustainable development and tourism. Areas should be set aside exclusively for wildlife to thrive and not lead them to extinction, this will make future generations appreciate the precious gift of nature.

The bountiful gifts of clean air, water, sunlight, fertile land, and natural beauty that nature provides freely are what sustains life on earth. Urgent global cooperation and individual lifestyles are needed to lower our environmental footprint, protect natural resources, and honor our responsibilities as stewards, this will lay down a good foundation for the coming generation.

Thanks for your time, and your comments will be appreciated.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


perfect work. I agree with this statement "The bountiful gifts of clean air, water, sunlight, fertile land, and natural beauty that nature provides freely are what sustains life on earth.
