Wishing Balloons - Creative Nonfiction Prompt #122

It has been four years since my husband Efraín left to walk on God's paths. It took me a long time to resign myself to his absence, it was 49 years that we were together enjoying our love. Even though he is distant, I will continue to love him in the same way. At that time I was suffering from depression, I just took refuge in the stories of The Ink Well-Hive. Then I started writing them. In the course of those years, I fell, broke my hip, was bedridden for several months. Then I put my stories on hold. As soon as I got better, again, I resumed them for a short time, because my computer broke down. Sitting in the dining room, thinking out loud, I said to myself:

"I'm tired of crying so much, because sometimes my knees hurt, of not being able to do what I like to do, which is to write my stories, of saving money. What for, I always have the same clothes, the same hairstyle, the same smile. So, from now on, I will burn all those negative energies and wipe the slate clean".

At the beginning of December I decided to go with my daughter, Leocarmen, to the Banco Venezuela Savings and Loan Bank, located in Cumaná, Venezuela. I stood in the queue, the first one, at teller's office number one. When I went up to the person in charge of the cash desk, I handed her my identity card. She kindly asked me:
"¿What operation are you going to perform?"

"¿Can you tell me what is the balance of my savings?" She replied:

"500 $". I left with my debit card in my wallet. We went to a shop where you sell computer equipment, I approached the clerk and showed him the one I liked. I asked "¿How much is it?" "$270". I cancelled‘’ with my bank card. We took a taxi. My daughter drove me home and she went home.

The next day, I cleaned out my wardrobe and threw out all those old clothes. In the afternoon, I went to the shops with my daughter and bought some trendy palazzo trousers with some setters that matched the trousers. From there we went to the dentist, he took my measurements to make me a dental prosthesis for the upper part of my mouth, as it has deteriorated a lot over the years.

A few days later I went to the dentist to get dentures, I tried them on and they looked spectacular. I also went to the hairdresser, they did my hair in a different way to how I had it, I kept its silver colour, to honour my age. I had my eyebrows tattooed, because for the handful of years I have, they are very faded from their original colour.

On the evening of 28 December, April Fool's Day, I tidied up my personal appearance and sat down next to the Christmas crib. At that moment a young man came to my house, a friend of my children's named Frederick, whom I have cherished as a son since he was a little boy, and he said to me:
"Bless you, you have changed a lot with that new look".
"God bless you, son, thank you for the compliment."
He replied:
"Mother , here's a wishing balloon for you," I interrupted him:
"¡¿What am I going to do with it?!"
"I will light it on fire, write on a piece of paper all the negative influences that have happened to you, put it inside, they will burn and will not come back".

At that moment my son Simon and Engels came in and said to me:
"Blessing, how beautiful, you are, with that new look, you look like a Mexican actress‘,’ I smiled and told them:

"I am in the era of the clean slate. Receive my blessings."

"Amen". Excited, I replied:

"Take the opportunity to write on a piece of paper and make a wish!" They was interrupted me:

"¿What about this modality,?" I replied:

"¡Don't ask, do it and put it inside that balloon, when it rises carried by the fire and the wind, those bad events will burn, they won't happen anymore and your good wishes will be fulfilled!"

They did so and we enjoyed watching him soar with his seven rainbow-like colours.

We were so excited that we hugged each other and prayed in unison: "¡May God give us much health and joy, in the coming year!"

Source from pixabay

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Globos de los deseos

Hace cuatro años que mi marido Efraín se fue a caminar por los senderos de Dios. Me costó mucho resignarme a su ausencia, fueron 49 años que estuvimos juntos disfrutando de nuestro amor. Aunque esté distante, lo seguiré amando de la misma manera. Para ese momento sufrí depresión, solo me refugié en las historias de The Ink Well-Hive. Luego comencé a escribirlas. Con el transcurrir de esos años, me caí, tuve fractura de cadera, quedé en cama durante varios meses. Entonces suspendí mis historias. En cuanto me mejoré, nuevamente, las reanudé por breve tiempo, porque la computadora se me dañó. Estando sentada en el comedor, pensando en voz alta, me dije:

"Ya estoy, cansada de tanto llorar, porque a veces me duelen las rodillas, de no poder hacer lo que me gusta, como es escribir mis historias, de estar ahorrando. ¿Para qué?, siempre tengo el mismo vestuario, el mismo peinado, la misma sonrisa. Así que, de ahora en adelante, quemaré todas esas energías negativas y haré borrón y cuentas nuevas".

A principios de diciembre decidí ir con mi hija, Leocarmen, al Banco Venezuela de Ahorros y Préstamos, ubicado en Cumaná, Venezuela. Me puse en la cola, la primera, en la caja número uno. Cuando me acerqué a la persona encargada de la caja, le entregué mi documento de identidad. Me preguntó amablemente: "¿Qué operación va a realizar?"

"¿Puede decirme cuál es el saldo de mis ahorros?" Me contestó:

"500 $". Me fui con mi tarjeta de débito en la cartera. Fuimos a una tienda donde venden equipos informáticos, me acerqué al dependiente y le enseñé el que me gustaba. Le pregunté "¿Cuánto cuesta?" "270 $". Cancelé» con mi tarjeta bancaria. Cogimos un taxi. Mi hija me llevó a casa y ella se fue a su casa.

Al día siguiente, limpié mi armario y tiré toda esa ropa vieja. Por la tarde, fui a las tiendas con mi hija y compré unos pantalones palazzo a la moda con unos conjuntos que hacían juego con los pantalones. De allí fuimos al dentista, me tomó las medidas para hacerme una prótesis dental para la parte superior de la boca, ya que se me ha deteriorado mucho con los años.

A los pocos días fui al dentista por la dentadura postiza, me la probé y me quedó espectacular. También fuimos a la peluquería, me hicieron un peinado diferente al que tenía, mantuve su color plateado, para hacer honor a mi edad. Me tatué las cejas, porque debido al puñado de años que tengo, están muy apagadas de su color original.

La noche del 28 de diciembre, Día de los Inocentes, arreglé mi aspecto personal y me senté junto al belén. En ese momento llegó a mi casa un joven, un amigo de mis hijos llamado Federico, al que aprecio como a un hijo desde que era pequeño, y me dijo:
"Bendito seas, has cambiado mucho con ese nuevo aspecto".
"Que Dios te bendiga, hijo, gracias por el cumplido".
Me contestó:
"Madre, aquí tienes un globo de los deseos" "le interrumpí:
"¡¿Qué voy a hacer con él?!"
"Le prenderas fuego, escribes en un papel todas las influencias negativas que te han pasado, lo metes dentro de él, se quemarán y no volverán".

En ese momento entraron mi hijo Simón y Engels y me dijeron:
'Bendición, qué guapa estás, con ese nuevo look, pareces una actriz mexicana',' sonreí y les dije:
'Estoy en la era del borrón y cuenta nueva'. 'Recibe mis bendiciones.'

"Amén". Emocionada, respondí:

"Aprovecha para escribir en un papel y pedir un deseo". Me interrumpieron

"¿Y esta modalidad?", respondí:

"¡No preguntes, hazlo y ponlo dentro de ese globo, cuando se eleve llevado por el fuego y el viento, esos malos sucesos arderán, no ocurrirán más y tus buenos deseos se cumplirán!"

Así lo hicieron y disfrutamos viéndolo elevarse con sus siete colores como el arco iris.

Estábamos tan emocionados que nos abrazamos y rezamos en unísono. "¡Que Dios nos dé mucha salud y alegría en el próximo año!».

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Many times we need these changes and renewals that make us feel that we are alive. You did it by leaving behind all that negativity and looking at the horizon with hopeful eyes. Forward!

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

Excellent day


Health is one of the biggest asset in life. But worrying over our situation will end up making things more complicated. The message in writing our problems on a piece of paper and lighting them up is we should let out our problems by either sharing with trusted friends or simply writing them in a book and totally forget about them.

Am happy that you embrace that change at the end.


Hello my friend, @rammargarita,

I take strength from your writing today. Interesting that I told my husband this afternoon I was no longer going to wear old clothes around the house. What am I saving the new ones for? I'll be 78 in two months. I might as well wear the new ones or they will never grow old, because I won't be here to wear them.

I am happy for you, happy that you write for the Inkwell. You have enriched my life with your stories.

May that balloon be lost in the clouds, forever, and may you keep writing stories so that I may read them

God bless you and your family.


Thank you for liking my stories. I have to admit that I have also learnt a lot from you when I have written and you have given me good guidelines to make them better. I hope you assume the attitude I took and I can tell you with certainty that this year I am different, with my new Look. I am more dedicated to my writings, which encourage and motivate me to continue better every day. May God bless you and your husband and give you good health so that you can live together for many years to come.


I wish you a year full of joy, comfort and positivity. Your story touched my heart in ways i cannot explain.
