What’s A Perfect Day Like?

There are so many times when I forget to pray after waking up in the morning but I never forget the fact that I want a good or perfect day. Well, a day cannot be really perfect so we just have to shape it in a way that it will be perfect for us.
There are times when I will wake up and everything will go smoothly, I’d smile and be happy for the rest of the day but wouldn’t have a perfect day. A perfect day for some people may be a day in which they don’t have to get angry, suffer for go through any kind of stress but that’s not me.

What’s a perfect day like for me?

Firstly, I’m a girl who sets daily goals for myself and always give myself an ultimatum to achieve those goals. If I don’t get to achieve it within the time frame that I want, I feel bad but don’t blame myself. I just continue to do it and make sure that I accomplish my aim.


At the same time, I have different tasks for different timeframe. That’s why I have a specific time when I visit Hive and even write my articles. I also have platforms I do some petty jobs on. Imagine me having those amount of tasks daily, if I don’t achieve them, how do you think I’d feel? I’m surely going to feel bad.

A perfect day for me is a day that I finish all my taks both online and offline. A day when the time for me to sleep at night comes and I don’t have to bother myself about the tasks I’ve not done since I am done with all I need to do. Well, there may be times when I’d cry, feel sad or even wail maybe because of the things I’ve gone through but I know where I’m going to and I know who I want to become so I don’t let a temporary sadness take me away from doing my daily tasks. Once I’m done with my daily tasks, it means I’m fulfilled and I’ve had a perfect day.

What needs to go right to have a perfect day?

The answer to this question is straightforward. I have a number of comments I love to make here on Hive everyday and I usually feel bad if I don’t get go that number. Once I’m able to make an amount of posts and comments in a day, it makes me fulfilled and gives me a perfect day.

Secondly, I work on two other platforms but I don’t really take them seriously unlike Hive. Even though I’m not serious with those platforms, I still don’t feel good without visiting them daily. I also have someone I submit some articles to and I get paid. If I’m able to do that, it means I had a perfect day.


Lastly, one thing about me is that I save the best for the last and the last thing I do in a day is pray. Honestly, there are so many days when I’m tired and I won’t be able to pray. I love to pray at night when I’m settled so if I’m able to do that which is the last thing I do daily, it means I’ve got a perfect day.




It felt like someone was writing about me. !LOLZ. When I am unable to accomplish my daily goals I feel sad. Accomplishing them all gives me a joy too.

You are active at various tasks. Juggling them all would be difficult. I am sure you are working hard.


Getting all the tasks done seems like a good thing, it's satisfying to accomplish everything we need to do!
