Reducing The Birth Number In A Country? Yay Or Nay?

The hive learners community contest made me remember the story I heard about my grandfather. I heard that my grandfather had five wives and gave birth to twetny eight children. This means that anyone could give birth to any number of children he or she wishes to have in those days even though you have the money to nurture them or not. There was never a government regulation for it and there is no regulation for it at the moment.


Also, some countries regulte the number of kids a family can have. I really don’t see that as a big deal as long as their aim is to make sure that everyone who has a child is able to train and also take care of them.

How is the regulation of having kids in my country?

Well, there is no particular law about having kids in my country. That’s why you see that some people just give birth to kids without any control even when they don’t have the financial capacity to take care of them.
Unfortunately, the people who don’t have enough funds to take care of their children are the ones who give birth to so many children.

When we go to the Northern part of Nigeria, we tend to realize that a household has nothing less than five children in a household and any household that has less than that is likely to be a new marriage and they are just beginning to have kids.
Presently, there is no regulation of number of kids in my country.

Do I believe that the government should be involved in such?

To an extent, I feel the government should be involved. Well, it may not make sense to wish to reduce the population of a country without any reason but people are suffering. It’s sad that some people bring kids into this world without making plans of how to take care of those children.


So if the government comes in, they will be able to give the number of children a household can have. The lower class can have so so amount of kids, the middle class and also the rich ones. This will be helpful so that it will reduce the rate of unemployment in the country and reduce the number of people who are in poverty.

Will regulating the number of children in a family make things better for the country?

I fee this can make things better. There are times when the government send funds to the citizens or even try to do some certain things for people in the country but when we are too much, it won’t reach everyone but when the number of births is reduced, the government will be able to reach so many people.


At the same time, regulating birth numbers in a country will reduce the rate of unwanted pregnancy but the government needs to make sure that they make it very strict and people won’t have a way to bypass the law but this is Nigeria and I’m sure my fellow Nigerians will understand what I mean.

Well, there are some laws in Nigeria that are not very strict and I am not sure if things will work out as planned if this law is made.


Once i saw that the birth rates in nigeria are crazy!


That’s how we roll here😅


Both my granddads had multiple wives and a lot of children. Back in those days they needed large families to run the farms and ensure enough of them survive into adulthood due to high child mortality rate.


Let’s just take that as their reason but it isn’t nice


This sounds like the world didn't learn anything from China's case. So, we wonder, do people actually know what happened there and what is happening now?! Therefore, allow us a quick recapitulation of that shameful and destroying case.

The government regulation of women’s reproductive rights was introduced in China in 1979. In 1982, it became actively implemented, written not only by law but even in the national constitution. In 2015, over 36 years after, this regulation ended.
How come?! Why did China abandon that policy if it was that good?! - Or maybe better to ask what was actually happening during those "wonderful" 36 years?!

  • Did they invest in education in the nation even just about better and God-given natural family planning? - Of course, they didn't! It's not profitable, and it wasn't the plan! Depopulation was! - A small or smaller herd is always easier to control than the big one, especially if it's educated and capable of using its own heads and common logic.
  • Did they actually invest in healthcare that is equally available to everyone? Of course not! It's not profitable either! Health and longevity surely don't serve the depopulation agenda.
  • Did they make any efforts to end poverty or hunger?! Also, no! They just enlarged the gap between those few rich & in power and the poor. (Like everywhere in the world, the middle class is destroyed and thrown into poverty.) - Why? - Isn't it obvious? - It's always easier to control or even force those fighting for basic existence into something than those with more options.

So, what were they actually doing those over 36 long years that ruined one whole generation?!
Their one-child policy was nothing else but severe legal pressures to have only one child with harsh punishments imposed mainly on women, although impacting whole families. Those who didn't obey were imposed with large fines, forced abortions & sterilization, lost jobs, destroyed houses and families, etc.
With the same government policy, medical staff (doctors, nurses, midwives) were forced to perform (during his working life) hundreds of thousands of abortions and sterilizations or lose their jobs.

But what happened to those second, or even third-born children who were born despite all these measures?!
First, we have to know that in Chinese culture, the bloodline is passed down through the male side, and therefore, baby boys are way more desirable than baby girls. Accordingly, mostly female babies went through the following.

  • Child separation from the family ended in some child trafficking chain sold for who knows what and where the luckier ones in some ugly orphanage, while the "luckiest" were trafficked abroad and sold for adoption.
  • A huge number of babies were abandoned and oftentimes died.

The "funny" fact is that the Chinese government is still hiding all this data and doesn't make public statistics about it (number of children abandoned, died, kidnapped, trafficked, sold into adoption, etc. during that period). It's still a taboo topic!

(Although it's covering just the main tip of the iceberg about all these horrifying happenings, you should watch the One Child Nation documentary, and you'll get a way clearer picture about what are they actually planning for your country and your people.)

However, let's see what is happening in China today, and what the consequences are of that by the government-regulated women's reproductive rights?!

  • In 2019, the number of newborn babies decreased by almost 4% (about 580,000 fewer born than the previous year).
  • In 2022, China's demographic growth dropped to zero, while in 2023 and 2024, it even showed negative demographic growth and, in global rank, lost its first position as the most populous country.
  • Currently, in China, there are 30 million more men than women, therefore
  • Today's Chinese women are pressured (again by the government and newly implemented different laws) to get married early, and if they don't and stay single by their mid-twenties, they are labeled as ‘sheng nu‘ (leftovers). In short, today's Chinese women are forced to marry, give birth, and rebalance the gender crisis and low birth rate!
  • At the same time, due to that gender imbalance, another horrifying thing is happening. Women from Myanmar are currently being trafficked to China to marry Chinese men!

So, if all these still don't teach the whole world the lesson that governments should not interfere and even less regulate women's reproductive rights as the consequences are destroying and detrimental, and if the nation and its people are still willing (without a single second thought) to "buy, swallow," or even cheer up for such a BIG LIE that their corrupted governments and its politicians are serving them packed in colorful shiny promises about an alleged better life, less poverty, no hunger, etc., and if a nation and its people are already misled and blinded enough not to recognize it as an EMPTY propaganda promise that should just serve to hide the true agenda of depopulation, taking complete control and entire deprivation of basic natural human rights, to end up in even bigger hunger and poverty, and entirely powerless, then such nation and its people, unfortunately, deserves what would follow.

Last but not least, and to conclude, we would add only this.
No matter which holy script you are reading (Koran, Bible, or Torah), in all of them, one thing is the same and very clear: Whoever and however is messing with children is messing with God, and it will be punished!

