A Crazy Experience I Had With A Pit Bull.

I’ve made so many comments on different posts here and I’ve got to realize that there are many people who love dogs a lot. If we begin to ask so many people about their favorite pets or the pets they have at home, the majority of people will go for dogs and dogs even come before cats.
Also, not all of us love dogs. I love to see dogs from afar especially those white ones but I get scared when they come close to me. I’ve had so many bad experiences with dogs but I can’t just tell you all.
At the same time, it looks like there are some dogs that are friendly and good for the environment while there are wild ones like the American Pit Bull, Rottweiler, Bullmastiff, Boxers and so many more. I feel those ones are too wild.


I’ve had so many bad experiences with the domestic ones but there was one crazy experience with I had with a Pit Bull in my area.

My experience with a Pit Bull

There’s a rich bachelor in my parents area back then when I used to live at home and he had crazy dogs in his compound. No one dares to enter his compound and even with his permission, with the look of those dogs, you will be very scared to enter his compound.


One afternoon, my mum sent me an errand from the shop to the house and the shop wasn’t far from the house. If anyone wants to pass the front of this bachelor’s compound, no one dares walk anyhow or else, the dogs will bark and their barking comes with a kind of vibration that’s really gonna make you scares

As at this time, I wasn’t very little. I was already in highly school and even in senior class. So my mum sent me on an errand and I was jumping on the road. The joy in me made me forget that Andrew’s dogs were at home. While jumping at the front of his compound, the dog barked at me. It was so loud that my body began to shiver because I didn’t expect it. I got very angry and threw stones at the gate to scare the dog.

Suddenly, the dog got angry and jumped the fence. It wasn’t caged and the fence wasn’t extremely tall. Also, the Pit Bull was so big. When I saw that, I ran for my dear life and even passed my house because if I chose to start opening my gate, the dog will meet me there and finish me. I ran very far and saw an open door then I just ran into the house. Would you believe that this dog was standing outside the house barking so loud.

I borrowed the person’s phone so I could call my mum to call the owner of the dog so he could come pick it up. The guy was shocked and he came almost immediately and apologized. I still had to stay in that house for over thirty minutes because I was extremely scared. A Pit Bull can be very crazy.
I’m glad I was a fast runner.

What did the experience teach me about animals?

I’m sorry to say but I feel animals will forever be animals no matter how much we try to make them tush or sound friendly.
I also watched a video now of how a man jumped into another compound and he was badly bitten by two dogs. Some dogs even get to the point of killing their owners.
It’s crazy


These reasons are the things I think about so many times and make me sacred of having dogs.
Also, I rarely go to houses where they have dogs.


Honestly, dogs are something else, pitbull is super scary to me.
Dogs will be dogs at some point


Without seeing this creature one-on-one, it scares me not to talk of having an encounter with it


I understand what you mean when you say some dogs are more aggressive than others. Although my family kept numerous dogs when we were small, in adulthood I decided not to have any. I did relent and purchase a dog for my kids, but we eventually gave it up due to allergies.

I was shaken hearing about your encounter. I've also had horrible encounters with dogs. I have nothing against them if the owners obey rules and keep them secure.

Thanks for sharing your experience. Take care.
