Three Tune Tuesday #178 .:. History of one song: Shit-cleaner



'Shitcleaner's song' is the subject of my today #ttt blog.
Notice to the public: all of the music in this post brought by Udio AI!

1970. Expectations: thanks to the cybernetics science progress, in 50 years all the dirty work will be done by robots, goods production will be run by computer brains, people finally will be able to relax, to aim their life-beening towards creativity, at poetry, music etc.
2024. Reality: a sewage worker drives his honeywagon, and the nasty job is brightened up by a playback of AI-generated songs.

New UDIO AI for music creation appeared this spring and brought this fun to a new level, it turned out to be even cooler than previous SUNO AI. (A short informative video about UDIO in Russian can be found here. A good part of fun that you get creating music with the help of AI is connected with the result's unpredictability, - a thing that is almost lost up to date. However, there is also a big minus (which is not obvious to those who have not tried it themselves) : it is still partly a game of chance. A good result is not guaranteed either from the first or from the hundredth try - sometimes one may need 150 attempts to get where you wanted to.

It happens most of the time that you like overall result but not a several details. In the past nothing could be done about it, except to make a new attempt ... to pray and count on your luck, but now UDIO presented some new tools for editing fragments, using samples and blanks, which benefits greatly to the process and helps to optimize sufficiently the number of takes.

While UDIO Ai was in beta, it was free to try out, and of course people took advantage of that and created tonns of interesting stuff; in my post I've collected some 'cream', dedicated to one song only.

One of the biggest hits of this summer - performed by UDIO AI - was undoubtedly the song 'Govnovoz' (aka 'Sheet-cleaner', 'Sheet-charmer'). This epic song written by Konstantin Belyaev was first performed by Russian chanson singer Mikhail Sheleg and released in 1996 in the 'Rubber Zina' LP.

'Govnovoz' in Russian means simply a driver of a shit-pumping vacuum truck. A honeywagon or honeycart is the slang term for a "vacuum truck" for collecting and carrying human excreta. These vehicles may be used to empty the sewage tanks of buildings, aircraft lavatories, train toilets as well as portable toilets. The folk etymology behind the name is thought to relate to the honey-colored liquid that comes out of it when emptying the holding tanks. [source: wiki]

A brief summary of whats going on in the song:

For forty years like under anesthesia, I drove a honeywagon
I was not a driver, not a taxi driver, but a stinking shit-sweeper
Now my wheels cannot be cleaned of shit,
They stink non-stop even if I pour perfume on it
It seems nowadays people eat less - but they produce twice as much shit
There exist a lot of flowers, candies, wine, and other beautiful things in this world - but there is even more shit out there.
You need to be a strong and resilient person for the shit-sweeper job.
A shit-whisperer job is wanted by all nations, at all times.


The song really touched some nerve of the Russian soul, whether it was due to the unsettled Russian life or something else - you name it. Cover versions began to appear immediately after the song initial release, the song began its steady and slow advancement into the Russian cultural code, but AI appearance changed the tempo, really balooned it. They say 2024 has become the year of this song; it has become a meme, a media virus. Thanks to the appearance of a good instrument, people immediately wanted to find out how this song would sound performed by many important bands, such as Modern Talking, Queen, Nirvana, Rammstein, and many, many others.

Govnovoz by Modern Talking

(AI cover)

In YT comments I see that dozens of people want to travel back in time and find out how human history would have changed if this version had been played in 1985 instead of original 'Cheri Cheri lady' song. Some believe that technological progress and the emergence of AI were required exclusively for the appearance of this song.

Govnovoz by Queen

('I want to break free' AI cover)

No comments - QUEEN nailed it!

Do you like grunge? Enjoy this less known Kurt Cobain's unreleased song, lol.

Smells like Govnovoz by Nirvana

(AI cover)

Govnovoz by KINO

('We want changes!' AI cover)

A few nice extras that you also may like to dig into: 'Govnovoz' by RAMMSTEIN, 'Govnovoz' by Piknic, 'Feel Good Govnovoz' by GORILLAZ, pop-esque 'Govnovoz' by Oleg Gazmanov, from 'Funtik' cartoon, etc etc etc.

Progress can't be stopped - any song can become today a song about Honeywagon! And of course, every artist can deny any of his screw-ups: "Blah blah blah... I didn't sing that... its evil people and AI to blame!"


Russian version for my followers

1970. Ожидания: благодаря развитию кибернетики, через 50 лет всю грязную работу будут делать роботы, производством будут рулить компьютерные мозги, а человек наконец сможет отдохнуть, будет заниматься творчеством, сочинять стихи, писать музыку...
2024. Реальность: Ассенизатор сидит за рулем своей машины, и его тяжелый труд скрашивает альбом песен, созданных AI.

Появившаяся весной этого года новая нейросеть UDIO для генерации музыки вывела эту забаву на новый уровень и оказалась еще круче, чем SUNO AI. (Небольшое информативное видео про UDIO на русском языке здесь. Прелесть генерирования песни при помощи нейросети заключается в свежести, утраченном уже сегодня ощущении непредсказуемости результата. Однако есть и (не очевидный для тех кто сам не пробовал ее использовать) жирный минус: это по-прежнему отчасти игра случая, хороший результат не гарантирован ни с первого, ни с сотого раза - иногда вам может потребоваться и 150 попыток чтобы получить результат который вы задумывали / хотели получить.

Бывает, что в целом результат генерации вам нравится, но не устраивает одна или несколько деталей. И если раньше с этим ничего нельзя было поделать, кроме как делать новую попытку в расчете "на удачу", то UDIO представляет новые инструменты для редактирования фрагментов, что здорово помогает оптимизировать процесс.

Пока сеть UDIO была на стадии бета-тестирования, ее можно было опробовать бесплатно, и конечно люди этим воспользовались и наделали кучку интересного контента; в моем посте я предложу вам немного "сливок".

Одним из самых больших хитов этого лета - в исполнении UDIO AI - вне всяких сомнений стала песня 'Говновоз' (aka 'Говночист', 'Заклинатель говна'). Этa эпическая песня Константина Беляева была впервые исполнена российским шансон-певцом Михаилом Шелегом и выпущена в 1996 году на пластинке 'Резиновая Зина'.

Вот вам краткий пересказ содержания:

Сорок лет как под наркозом я работал говновозом
Не шофёром, не таксистом, а вонючим говночистом
Не отчистить колес от говна, смердят даже если полить духами
Вроде стали меньше есть - но говна становится только больше!
В мире много цветов, конфет, вина, других прекрасных даров -
но говна всё равно больше.
Говночист должен быть сильным и выносливым человеком.
Всем народам, всегда, во все времена - требуется заклинатель говна!

Песня реально затронула какой-то "нерв" народной души, причиной ли тому неустроенность русской жизни или что иное - выберите нужное сами. Кавер-версии начали появляться сразу же, песня начала свое неуклонное и медленное продвижение в русский культурный код. Все изменило появление АИ. Утверждают, что 2024 год стал годом этой песни; она стала мемом, медиа-вирусом. Благодаря появлению годного инструмента, люди немедленно захотели выяснить - как прозвучала бы эта песня в исполнении многих современных певцов, например Modern Talking, Queen, Nirvana, Rammstein, и многих многих других.


Прогресс не остановить - теперь любая песня может стать песней про Говновоз! Ну и конечно, любой артист теперь может отнекиваться от любого своего проёба, кивая на нейросети: "Ничего не было! Я этого не пел - это злые люди нагенерили!"

I hope you enjoyed today's music selection, and travelling around the globe without leaving the Hive. 😎 The post goes for Three Tune Tuesday challenge run by @ablaze. Previous issues: 106 | 107 | 108 | 109 | 110 | 111 | 112 | 113 | 114 | 115 | 116 | 118 | 121 | 122 | 123 | 124 | 125 | 126 | 127 | 128 | 129 | 131 | 140 | 141 | 142 | 143 | 144 | 146 | 147 | 148 | 149 | 151 | 152 | 154 | 156 | 157 | 165 | 167 | 168 | 170 | 171 | 172 | 173 | 174 | 177 | 178


All videos and music is copyrighted by the artists, not me!
My posts at worldmappin
Thanks for visiting my blog!


I still want my flying car that I was promised in Back to the Future!

Those are funny, you can re-make any song with AI now. I enjoyed those, all except the Cobain one which was age restricted and I no longer have real you tube account to log into. They want too much personal info...

Great job again on TTT!


Cobain one looked abs. similar, 146%, let me assure you. (Except it had a different lyrics in Russian). Flying car? we didnt get even self-adjusting dress yet. Heh, anyway. Future is closer day by day (and worse...) but !PIZZA is still good 😎 Thanx for stopping by!


Забавно. :)


угу. теперь уже слушая песню и глядя на картинку, нельзя быть уверенным ни в чем - уж такие времена. и даже !BEER непойми из чего сварено.


I just finished making some chips and sat here eating them and reading your post. Then I stumbled across that it's about a shit extractor truck. Lol.

What will poetry be like when people just get to be creative and robots do all the work?

Interesting proposal you have brought to TTT. The AI surprises me more and more. The Queen version is... 🤐 wow!


AI's progress is great, at the moment this soft can produce very very neat musical results. Both Queen-style, Nirvana-style, Piknik-style versions... are immaculate, perfect. Before I did some research (hearing one of the versions for the 1st time) I became completely convinced it was a great, original song that I simply havent heard before. lol.


This is precisely one of the serious problems with AI. What is real now?... until you find out. But not everyone is looking. Most people take the first thing they see. And that's why the distortions are getting bigger every day.
