Fear Denial: David's journey out of soldier life


Hello wonderful people of Hive and the amazing community of @Motherhood. Trust you all had an amazing weekend? I believe you know that my four year old son, David is a soldier right? Lol! ( I mean he has been saying he is a soldier) which I shared with us here a few days ago. Well, you won't believe what my soldier son did and I am here to ask if there is a penalty set for his actions😄

Don't worry, I will give you the full gist on what happened then you can go ahead and tell me the penalty for his actions. Here is what happened, So a few days ago, around 8pm, my husband, his dad was using the restroom when my son knocked on the door requesting that He wanted to pee, there was no way my husband to could come out of the restroom immediately

Photo credit: David

So he asked my girl, Precious to take David outside so he can pee
Precious, on opening the door, David innocently asked her "will you follow me outside"?

No! Said Precious, my son then asked her "why"
Precious told him that "because he is a soldier and he doesn't need anybody to follow him outside"

Hmmmm! This is where the main gist is

You won't believe that immediately, my son, David denied being a soldier 😂
He said "I am not a soldier, My name is Rumunter" that's his tribal name. It was funny but as a mother, I totally understand where he was coming from, he has NYCTOPHOBIA (The fear of darkness) Yes, David is so much afraid of the dark, of which I and his father has been working so hard to help him overcome it.

Photo Credit: David and I

Fear can make you deny your dreams

To be sincere with you, I am still mouth agape at how he denied being a soldier. It made me to realise how powerful fear is, and it is one thing we must fight daily to overcome. As parents or mothers precisely, it is very important to observe our children and know if they have any form of fear in them, so we can help them to overcome it even while they grow up on their own.

That's it for today

So tell me, is there any penalty for David's actions? I had be in the comment section waiting

Thankyou for visiting my blog, I hope you enjoyed reading through ☺️

Hold on! I feel it's good you know this about me, I am Joy, a Social Media Manager, a dancer,(I love tweaking)🫣 I am a teacher, and a mother. I love speaking about life in general, I am also drawn on relationships topics. I love meeting new people and connecting with them. It's good to meet you!

Do have an amazing week ahead



Kids can be really funny sometimes, I think while growing up, a lot of children experience this fear too, I hope you find a way to help him out of it as he advances in age.


Thankyou for stopping by, I pray he is able to overcome it with time


When I was a child we lived in the city, (small town) but Daddy had bought some property in the woods, some of it on a small river where we spent a LOT of time in the summers, basically living while camped out on the river banks.
We had electricity and fires, but "the bathroom" (during the day at least) was to just wade out into the river downstream from where the camp was (just enough to be sure no one would be swimming in what we were leaving) and do your business.
Oddly, when I was Six, and daddy had our house built about 1/4 mile up on the hill away from the river, I had to have a night light in my bedroom, Any noise, or shadows I could see made me imagine all sorts of monsters etc...
Later as I grew up, I would actually go out at night and walk the dirt road we lived on, especially if the moon was shining.
It is just a phase.
Soldier or not, he shouldn't have needed anyone to take him out to pee.

When you gotta go, you gotta go. Leave the door open so the lights from inside shine out. It's not like he were going to flood the place... right? ha ha ha



Soldier or not, he shouldn't have needed anyone to take him out to pee.

Lol! I couldn't agree more, The light inside is what matters.

It is amazing how you were able to face the night in end. I believe David too will grow up to face darkness and roar at it face.

Thankyou so much for your support and most especially the comment, it has given me another perspective of facing our fears.
