Anger is our temporary madness and differs from person to person
Getting angry is quite common nowadays. There were multiple news pertaining to road rage, arguments and quarrel etc , where anger took over the peace and harmony. Anger is a little sparks within ourself that may lead to undue consequences. Anger can make it harder to control our actions and cloud your judgment. Researchers have suggested differrnt way to calm down anger but it varies from person to person. A intelligent person are easy to control whereas ir get very high on a wicked person. Our ancient Sanskrit have following verses highlighting the true facts about anger:
अपूर्वः कोSपि कोपाग्निः सज्जनस्य खलस्य च|
एकस्य शाम्यते स्नेहाद्वर्धतेSन्यस्य वारितः||
Apoorvah kopi kopaagnih sajjanasya khalasya cha.
Ekasya shaamyate snehaadvardhatenyasya vaaritah.
apoorva = unique, novel
Kopi = no doubt about.
Kopaagnih = kopa + agnih.
Kopa = rage, anger.
Agni = fire.
Kopaagni = a fiery rage.
Sajjanasya = a virtuous and respectable person's.
Khalasya = a wicked person's.
Cha = and.
Ekasya = former's
Shaamyate = subdued, extinguished.
Shehadvardhatenyasya = snehaad + vardhate + anyasya.
Snehaad = by affection, courteous behaviour.
Anyasya = the latter's.
Vardhate = rises, flares up. Vaaritah = prevented, restrained.
The sanskrit verses highlights the facts that "There is no doubt that the fire of anger among virtuous and respectable persons as also wicked persons is unique in many respects. The former anger can easily gets extinguished by a courteous behaviour and a calm talk, whereas the latter's anger flares up when an attempt is made to subdue it".
In this verses the anger in persons has been compared to a burning fire and a distinction has been made between the anger of virtuous and wicked persons and the way they behave when they are angry. There is alwsys a negative effects of anger. It is sensible to control them as much as possible by being intelligent and avoiding any kind of aggression.
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