Freedom of Expression. All or Nothing!?
Would anyone dispute a serious decline in our ability to talk about important matters? At least in any sort of positive, constructive way? Particularly in the public arena?
- If your answer is anything like all the time and it is all around me, I have a simple question. Where do you live? Maybe a number of us will consider moving there? Hahaha ...
For example, when is the last time you heard this or anything similar?
"That is a good point!"
Especially in the public arena?

Source: Creator geralt on Pixabay
With these questions asked, are we experiencing even the beginnings of a return to a happier, better time, when our freedom of expression was not even a concern?
Are we being released from whatever way one would describe the trend away from this in recent years. Are we being set free?

All or Nothing?
In one way of referring to it, perhaps, we can ask the question in the title of this post. And ask it, in the context of the trend years in the making, where it seems we have been relentlessly sliding towards a zero-sum end point:
"I win! Youlose!"
It is an all or nothing proposition, with no room for establishing common ground. No allowance is made for even a hint of a dissenting point of viewpoint.

Source: Creator Alexas_Fotos on Pixabay
In the face of angry pronouncements, personal attacks, and similar what is going on? Certainly not anything related to good intentions and a meaningful exchange. It can be debated, perhaps, whether it is intentional or not, but what is the goal?
Intimidation? Shutting you up? Shutting you down?

Source: Creator Alexey_Hulsov on Pixabay
For those of us who do not have any sort of positive or favorable view of this trend, do we have any chance of being set free from it?
Back to the question, my own thoughts on the beginnings of an answer are pretty straightforward. Whatever any of us might say in response, I would be very hard-pressed to think someone could successfully argue with this:
"Certainly, nothingGOOD!"
Here is the Welcome Mat rolled out to any who may wish to disagree.

Source: Creator Chia236 on tenor

Just angry? Unhappy? Or something more sinister?
In evaluating this trend, is it enough to just "write it off" as a result of anger? Of unhappiness? Of depression? Maybe some combination of all of these?
Or is something more devious afoot? Something more sinister?

Source: Creator MickeyLIT on Pixabay
I would suggest that simply "writing off" the decline of our freedom of expression by attaching it to any of these emotions or similar doesn't fully account for what we have been experiencing.
For example, there is a growing body of evidence which supports the contention much of what we see and hear has been choreographed. It is scripted. If there is any truth or merit to this, wouldn't an obvious follow-up question be who is behind it? What is the objective?
Whatever the answer, I'll say it again:
"Certainly, nothingGOOD!"

Mutually beneficial!
Closing on a positive note, I truly hope we are experiencing a revival of our freedom to express ourselves. As individuals, free to be ourselves. Without fear of threats or anything related to retribution.
No. Let's collectively say "No!" to that.
Rather how about a restoration of some semblance of civility and respect for others? Making a sincere effort to show some patience, extend some kindness? Focusing on what unites us, rather than on what divides us?
- Can we truly say, even with the most difficult individuals, that we cannot possibly find at least SOMETHING with which we might agree with them? How about reflecting on, with the right mindset, believing all things are possible?

Source: Creator Clker-Free-Vector-Images on Pixabay
Not with some false expectation this will perfectly settle the endless numbers of issues with which we are wrestling. But at least having faith, with good intentions on both sides, that the gap will be closed. If only by a little bit, isn't that an improvement? As it is mutually beneficial and win-win?
There is little I value more than peace of mind. While we know nothing is ever perfect, are we experiencing a return to at least a little bit of freedom of expression in the public arena?

Source: Creator Alexas_Fotos on Pixabay
For the sake of us all, especially for our younger people and their desires for a brighter future, I certainly hope so.
It used to be that older generations were valued for what they might have to say. Younger people knew they had been through a lot in life, from which they might learn something, if they listened.
What do members of the Silver Bloggers community have to say about the importance of freedom of expression? If there is another community on the Hive blockchain where this question might be better asked, where is it?
Best wishes, until we meet again,

Source: Courtesy of @mondoshawan
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When I last said it myself. I don't expect anyone to say that of something I've said, after all, they're usually trying to make their own superior point. 😉
I think this will depend on how much we confine ourselves to echo chambers, which again comes back to how immersed we are in technology, at least in today's world. For those who spend plenty of time in the real world communicating with people from a variety of different walks of life we generally already know that the majority of people are actually decent people who will have at least some viewpoints similar to our own. For those viewing mainstream media I think we are all aware that they all repeat the same stories over and over throughout the day/week which keeps us in their echo chamber so we can parrot their viewpoint. In western English speaking countries this viewpoint is often coming from the US, despite the cultural differences being vastly different, so we'll find people getting vocal about issues we don't actually even have if we're living in our physical surroundings.
Technology has the benefit that we can widen our world view from the comfort of our own homes and through Hive I've talked to people from all different countries and discovered we have more in common than I'd have imagined. As with many things, whether something becomes good or bad is very much down to how you use it. It can expand our horizons as long as we also keep ourselves grounded in the real world, or it can isolate us more than ever.
I've also been thinking off and on that as we grow as countries and more and more cultures come together under one umbrella it seems to allow for more excuse to curb freedom of expression or action. Each small community/tribe/ village has a way of functioning in harmony together which includes certain beliefs. When they want to trade peacefully with their neighbours they may need to learn their neighbour's ways in order to not offend them or to be offended by them. However, if they choose to amalgamate with their neighbours certain cultural habits may need to be stopped or assimilated. Not an issue small scale, but the more this expands and the bigger the country becomes the more things have to be banned and the stricter you'd have to regulate those bans in order to maintain order and control. Thinking about this, I wondered if this is why countries like China are so regulated and controlling with their laws even for what we might perceive as petty things.
You've got me going down a rabbit hole again and I need to go out now, so I'll leave it at that.
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Very good, @minismallholding. Thank you for this thoughtful response. If so inclined, you might have a good start on your next ThoughtfulDailyPost here!
I think you've made some good points. Plural. And, as much as our interactions on the Hive blockchain have anything to do with it, affirmed and rewarded.
Yes, agreed. An important point in our conversation about the importance of community? Especially, as you have done, contrasting that with what we too easily fall into online?
The balance of what you have written illustrates what we are all experiencing as part of our big, wide world's introduction to what historically simply was not possible. As we have been consistently referring to here and there, the creation of these remarkably powerful technological advances has opened us up to input from all over the world.
How we respond to that is not a trivial topic. One which I am personally enjoying talking about with you and maybe others. Way over simplified, to be sure, but I will always come down on the side of our individualism and our liberty to compete in "the marketplace of ideas."
How we go about this and preserve our independence, as well as maintain our peace? Maybe I will get into that more in some future post and tie it in with your comment here.
Thank you, again, for this thoughtful response! 🤝, I paid out 0.033 HIVE and 0.007 HBD to reward 1 comments in this discussion thread.
Thank you for the HSBI awards. Shame there wasn't more competition for it though.
You're most welcome, @minismallholding.
Far be it from me to argue. 🥲