Exploring Scroll Network Through Across

Across Bridge is LIVE for Scroll! Scroll leverages zk-rollup technology to enhance scalability and privacy for Ethereum-compatible applications. Now, you can transfer funds to Scroll using Ethereum’s fastest and cheapest bridge!

In case you lived under a rock, Across is the faster, cheaper and most secure cross-chain protocol! Interoperability powered by intents, secured by UMAprotocol's Optimistic Oracle.

The Scroll mission is to provide an accessible scaling solution that preserves the essence of Ethereum – trust-minimized, secure and open source. Like a scroll, our story is constantly evolving in our quest to secure Ethereum’s future and making the developer experience as easy as possible.

EVM-compatibility for seamless scaling! Scroll is designed by and for Ethereum developers. A swift, reliable and scalable Layer 2 blockchain, Scroll extends Ethereum's capabilities, enabling apps to scale without any surprises.

Thanks to bytecode-level compatibility, existing Ethereum apps can migrate onto Scroll as-is, and at a significantly reduced cost. The cost efficiency is extended by Across, and the intents powered operability! I love it when two amazing projects are working together for an even better Cryptoverse!


First, let's talk about Scroll Sessions, the loyalty program to reward the community with Scroll Marks for participation and engagement in the Scroll ecosystem. Beginning with Session Zero, users can obtain Scroll Marks by bridging assets to Scroll. In the coming weeks, more Sessions will be introduced! Be prepared for even more features to make this program inclusive, fun, and engaging for the Scroll community.

The Scroll zkEVM Layer2 was built to be the foundational layer for the next generation of protocols and push the boundaries of what’s possible. Since our Mainnet launch in October 2023, we’ve witnessed a thriving ecosystem consisting of all flavors of applications, from DeFi to social and everything in between.

Marks will be accrued by holding assets on Scroll, or interacting with protocols! Over time, more assets and ways to obtain Scroll Marks will be announced. Scroll Marks will also be provided to Scroll community members who have been with us from the very beginning.

Marks are given retroactively to members who have deployed assets on Scroll since October 10th 2023, the date of the Scroll Mainnet genesis block. I am new on the chain and I just started building my Marks. I have no idea if 2.82 is good or bad, but at least I can check it on a daily basis!


Scroll is forging a community-driven path to redefine and evolve Ethereum’s roadmap. Stability and trustworthiness are the building blocks for the network’s growth. Scroll is steadfast in maintaining credible neutrality to reduce imbalances of power within the ecosystem!

Map your journey and earn badges across the ecosystem with Scroll Canvas. You will be able to claim badges based on your activity, and see your "scroll pulse" getting higher! This is good, as it means your on-chain activity is efficient!

I minted my Ethereum OG badge, with 2020 on it! This was the year when made my first transaction. My proof-of-humanity is also featured on the Scroll Canvas, along with the Pencil Protocol co-soul.


The hustle continued cross-chain! Scroll has a different dynamic for their airdrop, with scores and other complicated criteria. However, minting the Scroll Canvas may be one of the easiest way to tick some boxes! Get 50% discount on Scroll Canvas when using the code TFNWC on the minting page!

The Canva has a mint price to avoid bot-farming and spammers, but you can mint it cheaper with my assistance! PVM will help you explore Scroll, and tell you how to improve your sessions! Once you minted yours, make sure you help others with your invite code! Let's support each other!


Scroll uses advanced zero knowledge proof technology, battle-tested EVM models, and rigorous audits to ensure that our foundation is rooted in security and reliability. By prioritizing code security through open source collaboration, Scroll protects our developers and users against vulnerabilities.

Layer3 came to the rescue with the Scroll Campaign! The fees on Scroll are still quite high compered to other Layer2 chains, averaging $0.20 per transaction. This is why I only completed the quests with less actions needed. At least I broke even with the tier 4 reward, and the 0.00064 wrsETH I claimed was generous enough to cover the ETH spent on fees!


I bridged few more times with Across, and engaged with a handful of protocols! Used Layer3 as a guide, and explored Scroll with passion! I minted several NFTs for fun, then staked weETH on Mitosis, ETH on RHO and STONE on Pencils Protocol!

Added some staYSTONE in my portfolio, swapped crypto on ... and hustled around for Layer3 cubes and Scroll Marks! It doesn't look like I am late to the party, as Session Zero and Session One are still live! Let's explore, earn and enjoy! Hopefully... this will not be disappointing like Mode or LayerZero!


Residual Income:

Airdrop Hunting: Layer3 / Mode / blast.io/HJEUV / Linea

50% discount on Scroll Canvas: use code TFNWC

Content: Publish0x/ Hive / GrillApp

Play2Earn: Upland / Splinterlands / ++Doctor Who++

Cashback Cards: Plutus Card / Crypto.com

$ZEC: PipeFlare / GlobalHive

PVM The Author - My Amazon Books

