
The Family Time Are Phones Welcome  (1).png

Parent are the first role models and guardian every child gets to emulate. From interacting to talking to walking to eating and knowing about people and things, our parents are the ones responsible for it all. Growing up, we get to learn about our tribe and it culture, the morals and belief: we grow into the religion of our parents as well. We do what we see our parents do and do it the exact same way, this is not even about gene and traits from parents. A male child would always like to imitate the exact way the father does a thing, same goes for a female child, copying some of her mother's deeds.

Parent get used to seeing their child(ren) act like they had taught them, they feel this unspeakable joy in their heart that the child(ren) is/are the best amongst every other chidren. Parents tend to show more love and support to a child that does exactly what the parent want and like, a child that has chosen the exact way of his or her parent.

All children is somewhat a product of the lessons learnt, words they heard, advices they received, companies of friends they keep, teachings they got, morals, community and enviroment they grew up in. Growing from a being a young child to being a youth or an adult, there are inevitable changes that comes with this transition, we all experienced it. Change in types of clothes, food, events, friends, etc.

What If My Child Decides To Have a Big Change

My reaction would depends on what change he or she chooses. With my experience of other people and my personal experience, I would surely expect some changes in my children most especially when they are becoming a youth and then a full grown adult. I expect them to begin to make decisions of their own, become more confident and bold to talk to me and their mother as well, become so free to tell and express how they feel about a thing. Honestly, I expect grown up children to lern and know the right ways to correct their parents. This opinion of mine, is based on how I have lived especially since 18 years of age till now. I became so free with my parents that I could tell them how I feel, let them know I am angry, tell them they should have spoken done this and not that. My siblings and I grew up that way.

The Family Time Are Phones Welcome  (2).png

I would not scold a grown up child for doing something that is utterly different from what I taught or made him or her believe. An example is a male child plaiting his hair like that of a lady, I would express my dislike towards his choice in a way that he wouldn't feel condemned. Why ?. He is so grown and could maybe live on his own, lashing out my anger and dislike might prompt him to start withdrawung from home and the family ( how do you want to correct a child that no longer lives under your roof or stay connected because of your nagging, it is not easy to correct a grown up that's fsr away ).

I would also make sure my wife will not nag at such child, you know how much we youth hate that. It takes love, prayer and patience to correct a child and make him or her see why the choice they chose is a bad or not good enough. Parenting is not easy and I am not one yet. One thing I know is that it is good that parents learn to let their children evolve.

Thumbnail and image was gotten from Canva

Thank You For Reading Till The End


yes, we can not accept the big change, like changing the religion or something like that, but yes, we can accept small changes like you have mentioned about hairs etc etc.


Yeah, the example I gave is not so much of a heartache.

Thank you for stopping by.


There is a time in the life if the child when he can decide anything for himself. When he had grown mature enough to take responsibility for his actions. Hence, parents should endeavour to teach the children all they want him to live by as an adult.


You are right, parent shoul instill all that would help a child grown up into a better adult that won't derail from morals, religion and belief of the parent.

Thank yoy for stopping by.
