Paternity Leave: A Work At Home, Not An Holiday.


Men (husbands) receiving leave from work when their wife give birth will actually support the gender equality idea or context. In reality and with a sincere consideration, husbands deserve a paternity leave to be with their wife. The same way a woman who's about to deliver needs her husband is the same way a woman who just gave birth needs her husband with her. I have seen and heard men worry a lot when their wife had just given birth, even if the mother or mother-in-law is, they are still worried about what's going on at home.

The Potency of Herb; Some of Us Were Brought Up With Herbs (1).png

A woman who just gave birth needs every supoort she can get from her husband, physical and mostly emotional because she will still be in pain from the delivery. It should be a mandatory act in every organisation and work place to allow paternity leave for men to go and care for his wife and newly born child. When I get married and my wife just delivered a baby, I don't think anything will stop me from not staying with my wife for at least 2 weeks to a month if possible (depending on the kind of job I have). I believe that period is one of the times women need their husband so much, same way they need their husband during pregnancy.

Partenity leave is very important for all men,they deserve to be given such treatment only to care for their wife and newly born child. The main reason for the leave is not to relax at home and watch his mother or mother-in-law care for the wife. He also must be responsible enough to help both his wife and mother-in-law.

Babies can cry anytime of the day, I think it's even a normal thing for babies to cry, it is a way of communicating since they can not speak. Sometimes, their cries can be stressful when it becomes too much and you've tried all knowledge and strategies to calm them down. Here, the husband can come in to help with that while the mother rest or sleep (which is almost impossible for mother to sleep when the baby is crying). I've seen in movies and real life when the husband carries the child when the mother is getting worried about the baby's cry not stopping.

Husbands can help with feeding the baby with the mother breast milk in a feeder, pet the baby to sleep, bath the baby, clothe the baby, change diapers, help go get stuffs at the market , cook if he knows how to (not all men can, right), do the laundry, clean the house, stay beside the mother saying sweet things to her, cheering her up and making her feel loved. There's a lot a man can do to assist the wife with.

Paternity leave isn't an holiday but a time to work at home instead of working in office. Taking care of the child is the responsibility of the father and mother, not mother alone. If they could come together to bring a child to the world, then, they can also care for the child; there is nothing like it's a woman's job because it wasn't only the woman's idea or was the only one who participated in the activity that brought a child to the world. In fact, women do over 90% of the work from pregnancy to child birth and weaning, which is natural but men also have a part to play as a good partner to their wife. Caring for the newly born child isn't a woman's thing, that belief should be changed; it is both the man and the woman's responsibility.

Thank you for reading till the end

The image used in this post was made on Canva.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I totally agree with you that both parents should be there to take care of newborn baby because mother cannot solely handle the baby and sometimes mother gets tired. So father should pet the baby to sleep.


Yeah, it is better when it's done together.

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