Are There Advantages To Limiting Number of Children Per Family ?
If a law is passed now in Nigeria that any families with more than 5 kids should be arrested, the numbers of families that would be arrested would probably be in million. Growing up, I used to wonder why my parent just had my two sisters and I when other families have four to six children. Sometimes I get bothered when I see the kids in those families playing together, I used to think they have enough siblings to play with unlike my siblings and I: we are all introverts then we don't play much they even beat me up many times for being stubborn.
Those days it seemed having many children was a thing, parents then love to have kids. Men who married more than one wife would have at least 3 or 4 with each wife, plenty kids was a thing of joy. Where I think this idea of many kids is bad is when the parents aren't doing so well but they still give birth to many kids than they could manage. They won't stick with one or two max, why bring children into the world to struggle with you.
Laws controlling the number of children parents should have does not exist in Nigeria, it is not a thing here. And, it does not look like there will be anytime soon though, parent these day no longer have many kids, higher percentage stick with 2, 3 and rarely 4. Personally, I believe having lesser number of children can help reduce the population of a fast growing country and increase the availability of resources to the citizens. Every citizens gets more of these resources and more can be conserved for the next generation. Parents without fewer children can manage their resources, give more attention and care to their children without feeling like they aren't doing well.
Having quite a number of children around you as parent would sure be one of the best feeling in the world but some parents really need to consider their earning rate as a factor when deciding the number of kids they want. When young children do not get enough care and attention they need, they tend to go out there and one way or another, they become bad due to whatever influence they got from outsiders. Might end up becoming a thug, a thief, a nuisance in the community, etc. In fact, limiting the number of children per family would reduce any problem that is caused by population.
Regulating the number of children in a family would have a great impact on countries whose population is increasing rapidly and if their supply of resources would diminish because of increase in population. This would be more effective if the government have a good plan to conserve and utilise the resources well enough to last many generations. Limited number of children per family would eradicate the issue of unhealthy and malnourished kids who are easily affected by diseases. Lesser population means there is almost enough chances for people to get umemployed, own properties, etc.
I would want 3 children for myself, though I need to be in agreement with my future wife. I believe three is okay not much and not few at all.
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As in ehn... If you can afford it, it's no Biggie. But when a man is poor and can't properly take care of himself and his wife, but chooses to make babies and babies... It's really frightening!
Sometimes, I wonder the reason why they do such. And they do it effortlessly, I knew one some years back.
Thank you for engaging with my post boss.