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Reminiscing on so many topics that we wrote about and the right images to use, the designs for thumbnails and so many others, taught me few important lessons that I won't forget anytime soon. The weekly featured edition contest has been nothing but amazing, engaging and fun too. Some of the topics were a little bit challenging, I almost did not want to write about many of them but I did eventually and I loved the results I got.

Let's move straight to the lessons I won't be forgetting any time soon....

Vital Lessons I Learnt

Consistency is key to obvious results:

I started here on Hive with the intention to make money only which I still held unto in my first 3 weeks on Hive. Soon, I gave up but got some words of encouragement from my onboarder. Then, it dawn on me that money does not come out of here without quality input: I realised that I have to work for it to get it. Thank God there was @newbies-hive for newbies initiative where we were given every prerequisite informations and guidance to excel here.

Since then, I have been able to keep up with the weekly featured editions (except when I have issue with electricity) and I love the results. This act of consistency also influence few of my day to day activities.

You Get Better By Doing:

I usually quote this to keep my head up each time I am trying out a new thing "no one became a master by skipping the basics". Simply put, you have to do whatever you need to do continually to get better at it. I was not good at writing when I started but writing every week and, reading other's post, most importantly noticing what makes theirs betrer than mine improved my writing: and it could better than this if I'm intetional about it.

Goals Ought To Be Broken Down:

Goals aren't wishes, they are desires to have or get something by doing a particular thing to get that which you want. I planned to keep up with the weekly featured editions but I end up wrting them very late or not writing them at all. But few times I have spoken with @starstrings01 he explained how goals could be achieved by breaking them into smaller goals, plan them, when to and how to achieve them. This helped me improve a lot not just here but also in the real world.

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You Know More By Asking:

I was a bit timid and reluctant when I started, I could not connect and make friends with others here even though my onboarder had told me that he only knows a little about this Blockchain. No man is an island of knowledge It was until late last year that I began to interact well with others. I even missed some contests and rewards because I only relied only on what I know and what my onboarder showed/told me.

Engagement Determines Your Reach:

I got to learn that the level of one's engagement on the blockchain will determine how well one will be known, impact will felt and how connected one would be on the chain. Sometimes, I wish I knew this and did not lose momentum when I started. Being active and engaging in several communities and their discord server gives higher chance of being known. Also, engaging on other creator's posts.

Helping Others:

Helping others can be in many ways. My onboarder inviting me to join Hive was a help. Helping others with little tips on how to write better, align posts, where to source for better images, how to use canva, get a premium canva account, update on the latest contests, etc are different ways I have been helped and I have been helping people too. This help seems simple but will be rewarded greatly someway someday.

Web3 Oppurtunities:

There are so many oppurtunities here on Hive and the crypto blockchain generally. There are vast oppurtunities here on the blockchain, you can connect with someone who is far away from you, job opourtunities, earning online, learn a skill, it is a platform to showcase your skill, sell yourself, skill and expertise to those who need your service: display your creativity to those who love it. There are just so many benefits here on web3.

The Misconceptions I Once Had

The first one was the intention to make just money on Hive, though my onboarder had told me a lot but you know, you won't understand until you have experienced it.

The second was that I thought it was a one man thing, you don't need to engage others post, participate in contests and the likes.

Thirdly, I didn't know participation in the community server is also important. I was only engaging on posts here and was missing out on the things going on in the discord servers.

That is all for now. Thank you for reading till the end.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


All the lessons you learned are genuine and they have definitely made us a better blogger today.

If we look back from the beginning, we are not the same person who joined the hive blockchain back then.


Oh yes George, we have grown and imporved a lot and we can become better than we currently are.

Thank you for engaging my posts bro💙


Very glad you've changed those misconceptions you had before, they can be very deadly to one's Hive journey 😅

Seven great lessons, I've learned them too. Let's keep learning to our better selves.


I am also glad I know and corrected those mistakes.

Cheers to more growth, better version of ourselves here and outside here!🥂🥂.

And thank you for engaging with my post🤗, I appreciate it.


You've had lots of lessons learnt from your past experiences here on this great platform.

And I'm so glad for how far you've come in this amazing community and also how impactful it has become for you.

I also had similar misconception from when I joined,but with time,I got to know that things don't work that way here.

Thanks for sharing out this amazing content of yours, looking up to seeing more of you soon boss.
