My Thoughts on Migration: A Personal Perspective [ESP/ENG]


Fui testigo de un incidente hace unos meses cuando viajaba, en el autobús, había 3 inmigrantes entre nosotros y fueron la causa de que nuestro autobús fuera detenido en el control policial. Tras varios interrogatorios, decidieron confiscarles los documentos de identidad porque no los querían en el país. Eso me desconcertó porque pensé ¿por qué no dejarles venir a nuestro país ya que nosotros también viajamos fuera?

! [English Version] I witnessed an incident some months ago when I was travelling, in the bus, there were 3 migrants among us and were the cause of our bus being stopped at the police checkpoint. After several interrogations, they decided to seize their identity cards because they didn't want them in the country. That baffled me because I thought why not leave them to come to our country since we also travel outside?

Estas personas decían venir por negocios y se quedaban un rato mientras iban y venían. Al final, sobornaron a los policías antes de dejarnos continuar nuestro viaje. Qué mala suerte. Más tarde me enteré de que estos emigrantes son siempre el objetivo cada vez que entran en Nigeria. No es de extrañar que uno de ellos se hiciera pasar por occidental cuando yo regresaba de un viaje hace dos semanas.

! [English Version] These people claimed to come for business and stay for a while as they come and go. In the end, they bribed the policemen before letting us continue our journey. So unfortunate! It was later I learnt that these migrants are always the target whenever they enter Nigeria. No wonder one of them disguised to be from the West while I was returning from a journey two weeks ago.

Algunos emigran como estudiantes para estudiar en el extranjero, como mis dos hermanas, que obtuvieron becas para cursar un máster, mientras que otros emigran para vivir en el extranjero, como mi buen amigo @olawalium, que ahora es inmigrante en busca de una vida mejor y de oportunidades. Se mudó con su familia al Reino Unido hace dos años, si no me equivoco, y está disfrutando de su estancia allí.

! [English Version] People are always free to come into Nigeria while Nigerians also fly out of the country for greener pastures, some migrating as students to study abroad just like my two sisters who were given scholarships for their masters programme while we have those who migrated to live overseas just like my good friend @olawalium for a better life and opportunity who is now an immigrant. He moved with his family to the UK two years ago if I am not mistaken and he has been enjoying his stay there.


Yo también he soñado con viajar fuera de mi país a otro para poder experimentar unas condiciones de vida mejores y diferentes de las de donde crecí. No hay ningún problema en viajar al extranjero porque siempre es una aventura hacerlo, pero la mayoría de la gente cree que la vida es siempre más dulce lejos de su país sin investigar debidamente y, cuando llegan allí, se convierten en otra cosa y, cuando los pillan, son deportados a su país sin nada que demuestre que fueron por una buena causa.

! [English Version] I have also had the dream to travel out of my country to another so I could experience a better living condition different from where I grew up. There is no problem going overseas because it's always an adventure doing so but most people believe life is always sweeter away from their country without proper research and when they get there, they become something else and when they are caught, are deported back to their country with nothing to show they went for a good cause.

La emigración es algo positivo si se planifica adecuadamente. Hay diferentes motivos para emigrar a otro país, ya sea por negocios, estudios, aventura, etc.

! [English Version] Migration is a good thing if one has the proper planning for it. There are different reasons for migrating to another country, be it for business, studies, adventure etc.

Para mí, mi sueño de emigrar a otro país sigue ahí y es ir a estudiar porque creo en un buen sistema que pueda ayudar a mi desarrollo. En mi país, mucha gente huye en busca de mejores oportunidades que la mayoría no tiene aquí. También me gustaría ir a estudiar un máster en el extranjero para cambiar de ambiente y recibir un sistema educativo mejor que el de mi país.

! [English Version] For me, my dream of migrating to another country is still there and that is to go and study because I believe in a good system that can help aid my development. In my country, lots of people are running away to seek better opportunities which most can't be seen here. I also would want to go and study for my masters overseas to change the environment and receive a better education system different from my country.

Aparte de mis hermanos, que son emigrantes en el extranjero, también tengo una tía que vive en Estados Unidos desde hace años y se ha convertido en inmigrante. Dio a luz allí a su segundo hijo y lo hizo para que el niño fuera ciudadano del país.

! [English Version] Apart from my siblings who are migrants overseas, I also have an aunt who has been living in the US for years now and has become an immigrant. She gave birth to her second son there and this was done so that the child would be a citizen of the country.

No ha habido ningún problema desde que emigró después de casarse y ha seguido su carrera en grandes empresas de allí. Su marido siempre viajaba a visitarlos una vez cada tres meses y así ha sido desde entonces.

! [English Version] There has not been a problem since her migration which happened after her marriage and has been pursuing her career in big companies there. Her husband would always travel to visit them once in 3 months and it has been like that since then.

La emigración es algo bueno. Se ve como algo alegre y satisfactorio y todo el mundo tiende a respetar a quienes emigran a otro país para mejorar su calidad de vida.

! [English Version] Migration is a good thing. It is seen as a thing of joy and fulfilment and everyone tends to respect those who migrate to another country to improve their quality of life.

No tengo ningún problema con los emigrantes y solía decir que una vez que sabes lo que haces, todo funcionará bien. Mientras que algunos emigran intentando seguir a las multitudes, al llegar allí se dan cuenta de que no es lo que esperaban, otros emigran por una verdadera causa. Cada uno tiene sus razones para emigrar y lo mejor es hacer lo correcto cuando estamos en el país de otro, lejos del nuestro. Dicen que cuando se está en Roma, se actúa como tal.

! [English Version] I don't have any problem with migrants and I used to say that once you know what you are doing, everything will work fine. While some people migrate trying to follow the crowds, getting there, they realise it isn't what they expected, some migrate for a true cause. Everyone has their reasons for migrating and it is best to do the right thing when we are in another man's country far away from ours. They say when you are in Rome, you act like one.

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Este también es un prompt en consonancia con la edición #septemberinleo y este es para el Día 19. Puedes consultarlo aquí

! [English Version] This is also a prompt in line with the #septemberinleo edition and this is for Day 19. You can check it here

Thanks for your time reading. Looking forward to your interaction.


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Lol, migrating is not always easy but if it is necessary, then one should have a goal for what to do there


Exactly, most people migrate for unnecessary reasons, thinking that because their friend is doing something great, they should follow along without really knowing what they're doing there.


Yes. Following the crowds could be risky. One has to have a reason to migrate and if it's necessary, it's all good.


Migrating to another country shouldn't be for green pastures alone though if only we had a good system, adventure would have been a better option.


When people from different countries face difficulties in your country it creates a bad image of your country to them. I think the bad image reflects or triggers you if you visit their country also.
I have no plan to go overseas because I think I can offer many things to my country to make it better.


You are right. Every country should welcome every one well and not posing threat to them. It may boomerang when you try to travel to their countries too. Though, we can't blame everyone on this as some people enter into another country for the wrong reason, so most people are careful around them.


Bribery and corruption is one of the core ingredients to the fall of most African countries. What if these people with fake documents were into the country with bad intentions.

Travelling is something almost every human being cherish even introverts. The African countries I would like to visit first are Ethiopia, Nigeria, Ivory Coast and probably Egypt . As for migration, I am still contemplating. Just being curious, what African countries would you like to visit if you have the change now,


There are always those who seek to take advantage of the disadvantages that migrants have. The same thing happened to me when I left my country for other lands, although fortunately, it was only an access control point, but the nerves were there, especially because we were not doing anything illegal, although it seemed that we were.
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Siempre hay quien busque sacar ventaja de las desventajas que tienen los emigrantes. Me pasó lo mismo cuando salí de mi país hacia otras tierras, aunque por suerte, solo era un punto de control de accesos, pero los nervios estaban ahí, sobre todo porque no estabamos haciendo nada ilegal, aunque pareciera que si.
Gracias por participar en nuestra iniciativa


Muchos inmigrantes tienen muchas experiencias de ser tratados como criminales en lugar de ser amables con ellos. Ocurre en muchos países, así que hay que tener cuidado cuando se viaja a otro país.


Truly we should have genuine reason to migrate to other countries and have focus for it. Although sometimes it takes time and cost waste of money 💰.

Education pursuit is a very good reason.

Thanks for sharing sis. Love ❤️


You are right. Migration should be for a reason and when the reason is justifiable, then one can do what it takes to achieve it.
