All About Today



I already knew today would be a long day and wouldn't allow me to stay online, both on Hive and on social media (WhatsApp & Discord). Whenever I am on a journey, I don't enjoy pressing my phone while on the bus and the way passengers are packed inside like sardines makes me uncomfortable. I decided to let go of my phone till I was back home, though I was checking it once in a while to go through messages even when I knew I wouldn't be able to respond.

It was a journey that lasted for 7 hours and some minutes (to and fro) plus over 4 hours at the venue as the security guards were busy arranging us accordingly inside the hall.

I travelled to another city which is the capital of Oyo State (Ibadan) to take an exam which I applied for some weeks ago. The Oyo State government is recruiting 7500 teachers for the post-primary levels which is called TESCOM (Oyo State Post Primary Schools Teaching Service Commission). The applications were two and of different purposes; SUBEB (State Universal Primary Education Board) and Tescom. A person cannot register for the two, so, if one registers the first one, he would not register for the second, else both applications would be forfeited.

I didn't apply for Subeb which was already late for me so, I went for the Tescom. The examination was done via CBT and mine was scheduled for Tuesday which is today. I have been preparing for the exam by revising different past questions that were always sent to the group I was in and everyone kept helping each other. When it comes to being in such a group, I am always a ghost reader as I wouldn't contribute to whatever is being said, only to be online to download different images and PDFs containing questions that were set for the previous years. So far, the group was helpful because most of the questions that came out were ones I had revised from the group.

I left home very early this morning and as at 6:20 am, I was already at the park every though the bus I registered with and paid my money in advance the previous day left before I arrived. Another bus was available and I had to pay another fee for my transport. I have asked for a refund of my money from those I registered with and I was told they would send it back to me.


On getting to the venue, there were lots of applicants. Imagine having 52000 people registered for the teaching job, meanwhile, they only need 7500 teachers. What a country! I wouldn't blame them though because people are looking for jobs and anyone they find, they go for. Someone even said she never believed a teaching job was what she would eventually go for because she disliked it but seeing the rate of unemployment, she had to try her luck with this chance.

Everyone kept shouting favour of God because according to what I heard, some wouldn't even go through the steps we went through today or even write the exam and would be given jobs because there are already like 3000 plus slots for those who have connections while the rest numbers would be random, which means it is only by God's mercy and favour that others would be chosen.

I don't know how the process would be but I believe and have faith that favour would come for me too because just like every other person who has written the exam and those who will be writing tomorrow need a job, I also need a job once I am done with my National Youth Service Corps.

I was even amazed to see old men and women trying to get a teaching job too and I wonder what would the fate of the youth be. There is not much strength for these old ones and most of them, once they are given the job, won't do anything other than sit in the office all day and when the month ends, they expect to be paid salaries.

It has been a stressful day for me but I was happy because I got to see many of my colleagues whom we finished school 9 years ago during NCE program and also two from the University I finished from 2 years ago. I was just surprised seeing them as they had turned big guys and ladies. Some, I recognised while others, I didn't until they started describing themselves which I recollected through that. I couldn't just stop thinking about them while on the bus coming back home after my exam and the memories we shared those years came back vividly to me.

When the exam ends tomorrow, those who are selected after releasing the results days later will be called for an oral interview according to what they said. We have been told to start practising some teachers' interview questions and the right answers so we won't be caught unaware. When I am called for this oral interview, it will be my third attempt and I guess I am well prepared for this, still need to practice more questions online. Guys, wish me luck because I need a job, especially teaching 😉

PS: There were no pictures taken as we weren't allowed to take in our phones or bags inside and by the time we finished the exam, I was exhausted and didn't remember taking some shots while I was outside waiting for our bus to come and pick us up.

Both images are the property of my sister with her permission to use them

Thanks for your time reading. Looking forward to your interaction.


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Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Los viajes largos son los peores y más aun cuando uno viaja mal, estar todo apretado con ese calor humano es extremadamente molesto. Realmente te deseo muchos éxitos, la tercera es la vencida dicen ya tenes más experiencia que n ote gane la ansiedad y el miedo anda mentalizada para triunfar


Tienes mucha razón. Un viaje largo puede resultar agotador y agotador. Gracias por tus palabras de aliento. Te lo agradezco.
