Rules don’t restrict freedom but enhance it


When we say someone is free, it means such a person has power over his or her life; such a person doesn’t need anyone’s permission to make decisions or do anything as long as he or she is doing the right thing.


Someone cannot be under another person’s command and call himself a free man because that is not the definition of a free man.

Are we really free in this country of mine? I think so because here in Nigeria we are able to do whatever we want to do when we want to do it, as long as it is legal.

I remember a time when Twitter, which is now X, was banned here in Nigeria. The truth is that the government can only ban it from the browser, but they can’t ban the internet from running, so instead of people stopping using X, they switched their browser to get into X, which was successful; at least I know a few people who did it. Here in my country, we are so free to do whatever we want; as long as it doesn’t involve illegal activities, nobody will question your decision.

The truth is that being a free man is more than just sleeping and waking; it requires a lot more than that, but most people don’t know that, all because we all have different opinions on what is called freedom.

There is one popular singer named “Potable” here in Nigeria, despite being a troublemaker to the society. I am so sorry to call him that, but then I didn’t see any value he was adding to the society, yet he does whatever he likes whenever he wants, which nobody is questioning him. In fact, some people are following him everywhere on the internet despite the fact that he doesn’t add value to their lives.

Recently he stepped on the wrong toes, which is the government, and now he’s been on the run to avoid being punished. He loves to fight people day in, day out on the internet, and yet the government never arrested him for that because it’s a free country, but he went to abuse the government, which brought some issues to him.

Living in a society that is strictly run by rules is never a bad thing because in a society, there must be rules; if not, the society wouldn’t be peaceful for people in it.

the image is mine

Imagine a country where you can kill someone and there will be no punishment for it; such a society would end up in chaos. So to answer the prompt question, having rules in the society doesn’t mean we are not free; in fact, that will even guarantee the safety of the society and more freedom to the people in the society.

If there are no rules, there wouldn’t be a punishment, which means everyone can do and undo, which might make the society a living hell for some people. Even in a society with rules and punishment, people still misbehave, not to talk of the one without rules.


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Is there really a society with no rules?... I doubt cause in as much as the government have laws and constitution guiding it citizen yet a lot still go through their nose unnoticed, talk less when there is non.....


Am telling you, people still do scary things under the law not to talk of a society without no law


This is absolutely true, rules only protect is and makes the society a better place, not restrict our freedom like some thought it does.


Yes o, rules makes the society safe for us to live it not there will be chaos everywhere


This makes a lot of sense, Freedom doesn’t mean doing whatever we like without facing the consequences. Every society needs rules to keep things in order; otherwise, there will be chaos. I like how you explained that having rules doesn’t mean we are not free, it actually helps us enjoy our freedom better. Nice write up.
