In defense of family: standing against injustice

Protecting our loved ones and our family including everyone around us shouldn't be a problem at all, because why do we call ourselves family if we can't protect one another? Why do we stay around each other if we can't stand for each other?
I have always protected my family and my loved ones in the little way I could because I wouldn't let anyone come between us or let anything bad happen to them.

I don't like it when people are rude to my family or anyone around me because if someone chooses to stay quiet it doesn't mean that person is a fool or he doesn't know what to say.

It happened some months ago after I moved in with my husband. His landlord doesn't stay in the house but his wife does and after I moved in I noticed that whenever anything happens in the compound, the first person people call is my husband, which I have no problem with because if you are responsible people will always call for your help.

So one day, there was no light for the whole day, and the water in our tank had finished, meanwhile, every apartment had its tank of water, with separate pumping machines but we all pumped from the same reservoir. The light was restored the next day and I quickly put on our pumping machine in case the light didn't stay long, as we all know how power-holding companies treat us in this country.


The next thing I heard on our door was the landlord's wife knocking my husband quickly answered her and the next thing I heard was her shouting at my husband, "Why would you pump water without checking if there was water inside the reservoir?".

He replied to her with a calm voice, "Ma'am there was water inside because nobody pumped water yesterday," she didn't listen to all that he was explaining to her, as if she had grudges against him before, or maybe she just wanted to see what he would look like when he gets angry because he has never been angry with anyone in the compound before.

I have seen him exchange words with a man when there is a misunderstanding but not a woman, he would rather walk away than talk back.

To prevent him from getting angry I went outside and said to the woman, "And what is your work as the landlord's wife in this house? Is it not to monitor your husband's property? So why are you blaming and shouting at someone else's husband?".

I don't like it when people insult or take my loved ones for granted so I continued...

"I noticed anytime something happened in this house, this man will be the first person all you call upon, so is this house you treat a useful person?".

She was angry and she left without saying a word because I was ready to give her the taste of her attitude that morning, but my husband wouldn't let me so he asked me to go back inside. Everyone went back inside.

Later, the caretaker came and asked what happened because she had complained to him, and I was happy with the question my husband asked him immediately he was about to pass judgment, "Sir can you allow someone to insult your wife in your presence?" My husband asked him and he replied, "Who would dare do that?"

My husband said again, "If the landlord's wife wants peace in this house she should mind how she would speak to me if not I wouldn't caution my wife next time after all they are both women,".

I was standing at the entrance to see if he would insult my husband because that was his first time facing them back, he doesn't like arguments or fighting with someone so because of that people in the compound feel like they could take him for granted. But the man was short of words so he smiled and said, "Women and their troubles, just make sure you guys always check the reservoir and I will talk to the landlord's wife too not to be rude to you,".

That was how he settled the matter and ever since then, the landlord's wife has been avoiding me which I noticed but I don't care as long as she doesn't mess with my family I don't have any problem with her, and the rest of the neighbors.

Some days later, one of our neighbors came to gossip with me and she said, "Your husband is too quiet and that is why people rant nonsense because he wouldn't answer them but I am happy you face the woman," I couldn't say a word to her because I wouldn't like a situation where what I said would be used against me.

Sometimes we just have to protect our loved ones from people who feel like they could treat them badly just because they don't want trouble, I was able to put a stop to how the landlord's wife wanted to take my husband's quietness for granted and he protected me from the caretaker as well and that is what is called protecting one another, as a family.


People take advantage of quiet or gentle people. The landlord's wife thought that it was the bachelor that he knew in your husband that she was talking to. She failed to understand that no woman would allow another woman disrespect her husband. It's a good thing you have done to protect your family.


Yeah, I couldn't stand the way she was shouting and insulting my husband for something she could check for herself.


I love how you stood up for your family, it's very good. Some landlord's wife are just so stupid that they think they can do whatever they like.


As in, I couldn't stand the way she was talking to him because of water, meanwhile, if anything happened to the machine he would still be the one she would call.


Hmmm imagine, thanks for speaking out at the right time.


I love your husband's approach to this situation, this is the type of mindset I want to b learn, to give deaf ears to some situations. Thank God the landlord was rational in his judgement


It's a good thing but people will always take you for granted sha, meanwhile he was surprised that my husband faced him because he has never answered him before.


I see people taking advantage of those who are a bit shy or we can say having a peaceful mind. You are such a brave woman and did a very right act. Great Job


Yeah that's people for you, they will take advantage of quiet people
