Beyond maternity; Equality in parenthood

Hello everyone and welcome to the HL community, a community that allows everyone all over the world to share their ideas and life experiences.

The topic of today is "Paternity Leave" and it came with different questions like, "Should a man also get leave when their wife gives birth?" "Is it allowable or okay to give such leave to father as well?" Or "Father should just continue working without rest or have time to bond with his family?".

The truth is that it is not fair for just women to be taking leave, though giving birth is worth more than just a month or two months' leave for women because their body needs it so that they can regain back all the energy they must have used for a good nine months and during the time they wanted to deliver the baby. But then, we must never forget men also.

Men play more roles in the family than women, but because we women like to be pampered and taken care of, we forget that men do more than a lot for us. Fathers are just like a pole, or, let me say, a pillar, that holds the family all together, and that is why whenever a father is no more in the family, the family might never be balanced or be okay again.

To me, I believe fathers, too, deserve the leave because they must have shared part of the pain that women go through during pregnancy. Some women can be so annoying when they are pregnant, which the man will never complain about because he knows it is not easy to carry another life in the same body.

Men go to work in the morning and come back late at night, and still, the pregnant wife wouldn't understand how stressful the day was for him, yet she would demand so many things that he wouldn't have a choice but to get for her even though it was late. At least I know one person who did that when she was pregnant.

The image is mine and was edited on Canva by me

We are all humans after all, so I think fathers should be given the chance to rest and have much time with their newborn babies as well.

The only thing that could make it difficult is when the husband and the wife work in the same place, but if they are not working in the same place, I believe the organization should be fair by giving men leave to spend at home so that they could relax from the stress their pregnant wife must have given them throughout the nine months. And more so, they would be of help to the mother as well, because nursing a newborn baby alone is more than an office job for every woman.

If the husband is there, I believe it will be easy for the both of them while they are both getting to know the child and the husband is also resting from all the stress.

I remember when my sister gave birth, the first thing that came out of her husband's mouth was, "Oh, I can sleep deeply tonight without getting scared or anyone waking me up in the middle of the night for snacks.".

The image is mine

I laughed, but I couldn't imagine how exhausting, tiring, and frustrating he must have been to him for some months, and the same thing goes for my sister; I couldn't stop staring at how deep her smile was, and she also said, "Finally, I can sleep in any direction I want now.".

The truth is that it is not easy for both of them, so why give only women leave and let the men continue working? They get tired too because their body isn't made of iron, so it is never a bad idea if men too could be getting paternity leave so that they could rest and have time to bond with their newborn baby more so they can be helpful to the mother as well when they are around.


Your sister's husband must have been through a lot during the time of pregnancy 😂


As in, more than a lot, so we should look at women alone but men who were there for them as well; after all, we all have blood flowing in our veins.


I agree with you that equality is the key to this issue, because the child was made between the two of them, it was not just the woman who collaborated on it, so they should both enjoy the benefits, but of course, this is just my point of view. =)


Hmmm, I didn't say there should be equality in parenthood. I was explaining how we should be unfair with everything that has to do with parenthood because fathers, too, have so much impact on every child's life.
So it is not a bad idea if they get leave to spend some time with the baby and also to rest as well.


In principle, both should be able to enjoy the same benefits, because they are both parents.

In my post (which I just finished writing), I explain the reasons for this.


Responsible men deserve paternity leave, not the ones who will run away and make excuses that they do not like carrying a newborn baby


My dear sister na so
It should be for only responsible ones and not walking dead husband


Well said. Though the examples put a smile in my face. I could imagine how it must have been for then over the months. Fathers should also take some time to rest too. It’s not easy on both ends.


Everyone deserves to rest o because if wahala goan kills the father she doesn't have a choice but to take care of the child herself


Totally agree that dads need that time too 🙌

Being a dad is just as important as being a mom, and they deserve that break to bond with their baby and support the mom

It's all about equality 💗



I totally agree with you, women are not the only one to give maternity leave, men also deserve it because it's not easy for them also especially when they wives are pregnant and demanding things they want especially in the late hours.


Like seriously men deserve it too because they share the pain as well
