Worries is a non-profit work
Hi guys💐
Welcome to my blog
There are certain things we have to let go, so instead of worries we should fully maximize the opportunity that we have in today. Worries would not yield any profitable result, it's always a waste of time and energy. Worries also disrupt our mental well-being as well as our peace and also obstructs our view of the present’s joys and potentialities. It also saps our emotional strength and leaves us feeling restless and weak,
Yesterday cannot be retrieved, it is gone and gone forever, we can only explore and make effective use of today and the opportunities that are presented to us today.
Today is filled with abundance opportunities only when we see beyond our worries. Worrying about tomorrow is always a waste of energy, knowing that tomorrow has its own plans, rather than worries why not invest the time in planning and executing the laid down plans for the day.
The root of worries lies in the tendency of refusing to let go of the past, and an attempt to borrow problems for the future.
Lubbock once said in his quote that "A day of worrying is more exhausting than a day of work".
And that is true, there is no technology or science that can give us extra hours from yesterday, today or tomorrow. Therefore we ought to make good use of our today to achieve our desired goals.
As much as I trained myself daily to avoid worries, but oftentimes it will come, worries has nothing to offer, rather it brings about unnecessary questions and thought to our heart, such as "if I had i known, or how i wish" and those questions get to change nothing in our today's life and plans, when those worries appear, it brings about unhappiness, regrets, and pains. personally, when those thought flood into my heart, i would use words of affirmation to chase them, or get myself busy just to be distracted, and become I refuse to remain in the past, I don't allow the past to hold me, depriving me of the blessings attention for today, and because the past has no hope, no future and no dreams, so I refuse to stay there, i tend to live in the present amd the future.
Even the word of God states that, "who by worrying can add a single strand of hair on our head..........." so worries drain our strength so rather than investing on a non-profit work, why don't we engage our minds into something that will yield profit.
Thank you for stopping by.❤️🫣