Waller Holozing FanAct Creature
Hello everyone, feels so good to be here,
Happy Valentine to everyone♥️
Today being a stressfull day for me, I thought I couldn't make any sketching today, but while going through the @Alphastartercreatureevolution I came across this beautiful waller creature, upon seeing it I was motivated into sketching it, before concluding the sketchng, i felt so refreshed and relieved. The wella creature was so cute to behold.
The creature was beautifully crafted by the artist which made it so captivating.
Waller evolves from Waller, he's here to stand in the way of upcoming attacks and let the healer regenerate mana or go for a coffee break. Aside from having a lot of Health Points compared to its starter friends, it is also able to learn water-type moves and maybe you can ride it in the ocean if you've been a nice healer, make sure to ask first.
I love this creature because of the friendly and defending traits it posses and perform in the game of holozing. Playing this defending role makes the game more interesting.
In sketching the walle it is much easier compared to others.
- **Sketching of the Head: **
For easy sketching, I usually begins with the head, after sketching the head, other compartment will be easy to sketch so as to alian with the original creature. With this the walle creature is not exceptional.
- sketching of the wings and the tail
After that I moved forward in sketching the wings and other compartment of the waller, then added the tail.
With that my waller creature was completed.
- Colour
To beautify the waller creature, I coloured it. I start the colouring from the head, where I colour with light blue, moved to the body and the tail where i had to mixed the colors, i mixed purple, blue and green to get a similar colour to the original. I went further to color the eyes red, I also colored the neck and ventral cute brown. Then used pencil in tracing the lines.
With that I completed my waller creature sketching.
I sincerely appreciate @acidyo and it's team members for this wonderful vision, and granting me audience to partake, as well as reawakening my drawing skills.
Thank you very much for reading through.