The Irresistible Beauty Of A Butterfly
One of the most beautiful natural creatures that I admire so much is a butterfly, it's radiant of beauty is so captivating, and at a glance of it, it put a smile on my face, and not only being beautiful it also plays so many natural roles to nature, it enriched the world through it's movement, shape, pollination and colours.
This colourful winged creature of delicate beauty has become a metaphor for hope and transformation. Butterflies may appear less colorful, reasons touching a butterfly's wings should be avoided if possible because their colorful patterns help protect them against predators.
Butterflies at its birth stage do not look appealing, people don't tend to love it neither do they appreciate it because of how it comes. the egg, lava, caterpillar and then butterfly, these are the stages, and taking a careful observations of this transformation stages turns out to be so beautiful, but once it grows into a full blown butterfly people clamon for it, because it comes with beautiful cite to behold, butterfly doesn't crawl but caterpillar does, they are nature’s reward for patience in waiting for spring.
I learnt patience from these stages, things around me may not be pleasant and beautiful at first, but if I don't give up in the journey of life, stand firm, keep hope alive, pass some test that life will thrown at me and keep pressing forward diligently, faithfully, patiently, with determination, and humility, I will scale through stronger and better. Also having the ability to listen to my innate wisdom, guiding myself through difficult times, and emerge better and stronger than before.
it also teaches that I can attain any height in life and achieve my dreams only if I can go through the growth and transformation process patiently as well as having trust in myself, just like a butterflies are beacon of growth and new beginnings, which also signifies power of transformation and the incredible feats I can achieve whatever I desire for myself. Being able to do these, I will be beautify just like a butterfly.
Most often butterflies are seen in the garden, and they are attracted to flowers, they help to beautify the garden, as well help in pollination, it also creates exciting moments to us, mere seeing a butterfly, it brings smile on our faces, because of the beauty it just displayed.
God has filled the earth with beautiful creatures just like the butterflies to beautiful our lives and nature, it also serve as a lesson tool for us aiming to arrive at our desired destination.
Thank you for reading through ❤️