Senior cat with fire: Infurnal FanAct Creature

Hello beautiful holozians
Feeling blessed and excited to be here.
Today is a special day, because my sketching came out so fantastic, I'm super excited to sketch the infurnal creature which I saw AlphastarterCreature Evolution. In the process of sketching my infurnal creature I had so many companions around me who were complementing my beautiful sketching, and at the same time asking many questions, such as what kind of animal is this that is surrounded with fire? the youngest now replied by calling it a senior cat with fire 😂. That was when I told them that it's called "infurnal creature" and I also introduce them to the holozing community where they will see beautiful creatures. They were filled with awe, because they have never heard of such an animal.
The infurnal creature is a beautiful creature that attracted my attention, so Sketching it was a beautiful experience for me.

Infurno evolves into Infurnal, a majestic fiery wolf that's quick and can learn many fire-type moves to deal a lot of damage. Aside from fire moves it can also learn normal type moves such as bite and tackle. His passive ability is quite dangerous as well as enemies attacking it may catch on fire and take burn damage.

My sketching tools
A4 paper
Poster colour
Red pen

Sketching procedure
I thought it wise to try something different, so I started my sketching with the fire tail, proceeded to all the legs, after which I joined the body and the back of the infurnal creature, sketching this way a bit easy for me, I later joined fire on the neck, then concluded the sketching by adding the head, which is made up of the ears nose and the eyes.

To make my infurnal creature attractive, I decided to use the poster colour to decorate it, I began the colouring from the fire on the tail and added every part that has the fire, I coloured it using orange colour and yellow, proceeded to the legs, hands, and the mouth which I used white colour, then the body and the head, i used brown colour to design it, and finally I used my red pen and pencil for the eyes.

Reasons why I used all these colours was to make my infurnal creature exactly as the original creature. Although it didn't really come out as the original, but I'm excited that it came out beautiful.

To crown it all I used my pencil in the alignment of the edge to make the lines visible.

Finally here is my beautiful infurnal creature

I sincerely appreciate @acidyo and his team for this wonderful vision, holozing community has really stired up my passion for creativity and drawings
Thank you very much for reading through, please feel free to upvote, reblog and comment.
