Seeing Positivity in the midst of Regrets



Dealing with regret is even more difficult because of the other negative emotions connected to it: remorse, sorrow and helplessness. That is why I concluded that learning is a continuous process, where we learn, unlearn and relearn, either done the hard way or in an easy way, all that matters is that learning has taken place.
Many life choices have pros and cons, which may seem that there is no guarantees about our future. But, if we can’t stand uncertainty, we are bound to avoid making hard choices, leaving us vulnerable and later regrets.

Regret is a possible element of any decision that we make
Regrets often teach us about ourselves, also help us to avoid repeating the same mistakes, as well as encouraging us to make better decisions in the future. Also on the other hand, using our regrets to beat ourselves up, or ignore them completely, will not help us to grow. Regrets are the key is finding the right balance.
Personal experience
Life is a lesson where I learn, everyday, making decisions that the outcome comes with regrets, but there was absolutely nothing I would do to change it at that particular time, but to accept that the did has been done, I cant reverse my decision, it's only for me to take responsibility for it. It helped me learn a lesson from that. so to avoid the mistake from repeating itself I take action to change the situation.
While growing, regretting my actions always comes with tears and worries, Unknowingly to me that it was not the solution, worrying only gets things worse, Worries do not change anything, it only brings about more pains and unplanned sickness, so when it happens that I decides to take action.
Regret is associated with unpleasant emotions, like sadness, disappointment, guilt, and shame. It often leads to self-isolation, but does not lead to self-discrimination. Never feeling regret is not a sign of wisdom or righteousness. It may be a sign that we don’t learn from our mistakes. The likelihood that we will regret our decisions will depend on how we think about making our decisions and how we cope with living with the result.
No matter the regret, it’s hard not to wonder how things might have turned out. It would have taken the right decision.
Ways To Overcome Regrets

  1. Recognize the Effect of our decision:
    We have to understand how regrets work, recognizing their effect on our decisions, and finding ways to manage life’s inevitable disappointments, it will help us suffer less from regret, so instead be been drown in bitterness, it is advisable that we use our regrets as a helpful guideposts for a better life.
  2. Focusing on our positivity
    Focusing on the positive aspects of our current life, to balance out the negative feelings that come with regret, our negativity bias can keep us preoccupied with what’s wrong rather than what’s right. So, it’s a good idea to practice gratitude for the good in our life—even the smallest or simplest thing.
  3. Taking Action:
    One way to help cope with feelings of regret is to use those experiences to fuel our future action. Consider what we might have changed and done differently, but instead of ruminating over what cannot be changed, reframe it as a learning opportunity that will allow us to make better choices in the future.

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I'm still @pricelessudy
